Tharkuun Oakenbeard
Tharkuun Oakenbeard[edit]
Level 4 Dwarf Cleric
One Unique Thing: The Only Living Child of Undead Parents
The results of some idle experimentation by the Lich King during his recent exploratory phase, it should be pointed out that Tharkuun's parents weren't made undead after he was born but rather that he was born to them *while* they were undead. They still exist and are rather pleasant old revenants.
Ability Scores[edit]
Str 10 [+0]
Dex 08 [-1]
Con 18 [+4]
Int 08 [-1]
Wis 20 [+5]
Cha 14 [+2]
Vital Stats[edit]
HP 66 [(7 base + 4 con) * (level + 2)]
AC 23 [Heavy/shield(15) + 4 con + 4 level]
PD 15 [11 + 0 str + level]
MD 17 [11 + 2 cha + level]
Initiative +3 [-1 dex + level]
Recoveries 8
Recovery Dice 4d8+4
+4 Professional stew chef
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+3 Unusually familiar with necromancy
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+1 Expert self-groomer
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Lich King 2 (Conflicted)
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Dwarf King 1 (Positive)
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That’s Your Best Shot? (Racial Power)
Once per battle as a free action after you have been hit by an enemy attack, you can heal using a recovery. If the escalation die is less than 2, you only get half the usual healing from the recovery. Unlike other recoveries that might allow you to take an average result, you have to roll this one!
Note that you can’t use this ability if the attack drops you to 0 hp or below. You’ve got to be on your feet to sneer at their attack and recover.
Heal (Cleric feature)
Close-quarters spell
Special: You can use this spell twice per battle.
Quick action to cast (1/round)
Target: You or one ally you are next to
Effect: The target can heal using a recovery.
Adventurer Feat: The target can now be a nearby ally instead of an ally you are next to.
Battle Cries (Bard feature)
Bards use battle cries to encourage, inspire, warn, and magically aid their allies. Battle cries are triggered by flexible melee attacks. The bard makes a melee attack and is able to use a battle cry that corresponds to the attack's natural result, sometimes whether or not the attack hits. See page 167 for the full rules for flexible attacks. As a rule, the bonuses provided by battle cries can help a bard's allies but not the bard.
Spells (Bard feature)
Bards use arcane spells that function like those of other spellcasting classes. Some spells are daily, some recharge, and others are at-will. Unlike most character classes, bards use two different ability scores for their attacks. Their melee and ranged weapon attacks use Strength or Dexterity, while their spells use Charisma.
Ritual Magic (Cleric feature)
Clerics can cast their spells as rituals.
Healing (Cleric domain)
When you cast a spell that lets you or an ally heal using a recovery, the target also adds hit points equal to double your level to the recovery.
Invocation of Healing: This battle, you gain an additional use of the heal spell. The first heal spell you cast after using this invocation allows the target to heal using a free recovery instead of spending a recovery.
Adventurer Feat: When you cast a spell that allows an ally to heal using a recovery, you can let them use one of your recoveries instead. (If you also have the Protection domain, any nearby ally can expend the recovery instead of you.)
Protection (Cleric domain)
Once per battle, you can affect two additional allies when you cast a spell for broad effect.
Invocation of Protection: This battle, critical hits against you and your nearby allies deal normal damage instead of
critical damage.
Adventurer Feat: Whenever you target one or more allies with a spell, one ally of your choice can roll a save against a save ends effect.
Leadership (cleric domain
Once per turn when you make a melee attack against an enemy, hit or miss, your allies gain a +1 attack bonus against that enemy until the start of your next turn.
Invocation of Leadership: Increase the escalation die by 1.
Adventurer Feat: The attack no longer has to be a melee attack, close and ranged attacks also work.
- Scimitar vs. AC; Basic melee; Atk 1d20+9; Dmg 4d8+6; Miss 4
- Longbow vs. AC; Basic ranged; Atk 1d20+8; Dmg 4d8+4; Miss 4
Mace Dwarven Scale Mail (Heavy Armor) Holy Symbol 25 gp
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