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Feb 16-18[edit]

The action in this session primarily revolved around issues involving Auda, Henrik, and Rebecca. After an uneventful, but refreshing trip aboard the newest "living ship", the party arrived in Greece. Auda reunites with the party after (what he found to be) a boringly tranquil time in Egypt.

Henrik approaches Auda to discuss becoming his General. This issue proves to be less contentious than might have been feared, as Henrik goes so far as to indicate that he doesn't want to kill Auda... surely the basis for a great friendship. Auda seems to have no particular problem with Henrik becoming his General.

In fact, Auda seems less interested in discussing Generalship and more interested in needling Henrik about his relationship with Rebecca. He accuses Henrik of not being committed enough to the relationship and Henrik one-ups him by accelerating his wedding plans. [Note: A lot more happened here, but I wasn't fully privy to the details...]

As the party is about to teleport to Tibet, a young boy (of whom Carl knew his parents) approaches Carl and gives him an evil knife containing the soul of his father.

Everyone transports to Tibet without further difficulty.