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"Carl, in light of our recent agreement with Usher, it comes to mind that, in order to convince Rebecca to go forward with the bond breaking, I'll probably need to line up Auda's 'Balance' for him. <Sigh> Why'd I get myself involved in this in the first place?... Anyhow, I was wondering if you knew anything about her and her intentions. Have they even met? I believe that Henrik and Rebecca know her to some degree, so I suppose I could always contact them if I need to... I guess the game is: get this unknown lady to agree to a powerful bond with an insane man she's possibly never met, get the same agreement from the insane guy, and then convince Rebecca to undertake the dangerous breaking of the bond... It should really be a piece of cake."


"You make it sound so simple!" Carl smiles. "I like that about you, Jack.

"But you're right. Rebecca helps Auda immensely, just by being there. To break that link will be traumatic; I cannot think that we should go ahead with this without both his permission and some certainty that he won't be left without an anchor. And Henrik does need to be involved -- don't you think? It's his responsibility as Auda's right-hand man to make sure that Auda remains well...?

"Oh, this is complex. Dangerously personal. And no, I know next to nothing about the woman; just what Henrik has told us, really, and an image in the Library."

(Jan, can you refresh us on what we know about Auda's other candidate? It's been a while!)