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Associates (Feb. 14)

Boris is creepy and offputting. That aside, there does not appear to be any particular malice in him. In fact, any doubts regarding our mission, I would likely take to Boris. I do not feel like he would betray me.

Rebecca Hopkins, unfortunately, seems to have had something ... essential ... crushed out of her. She also exhibits a crude sort of xenophobia. Despite these flaws, she is a nice, young lady. She allows me to talk about things in which I am knowledgeable, which helps prop up my always flagging self-esteem. She is, in some ways, the opposite of Boris. That is, I feel like I could confide in her matters of a personal nature, so long as they were not things which effected the "mission."

Auda is a dangerous, crazy, fool.

Henrik Mueller is an honest, forthright, dutiful person. As such, he is... somewhat unlike myself. He seems to be a good man. I do not believe I can trust him at all with a confidence, as I would guess that his morality would cause him to do what he considers to be good for the group / the world at the expense of what is good for me. Or perhaps, I should just say that what he believes to be the "right" thing to do is at odds with what I believe.

I believe my initial thoughts about Carl Ellis were mistaken. I do not think he is withholding information. It is more likely that he is simply not terribly gifted at communicating this information. Or, possibly, I simply do not know enough to ask relevant questions. He appears to hold great power, and for that reason, is potentially dangerous. However, he has not, for the most part, abused this power. He is a great repository of knowledge, so I need to stay by him, but at the same time, I am not quite sure where I stand with him.