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December 1931
Once again, we spoke at length on the question of the Guardian Stones. I recommended we either a) Contact the stones now, b) carry the stones with us, or c) leave someone behind to communicate with the stones in case of emergency. Of course, Carl rejected all of my ideas...

If nothing else, I feel bad for the Guardians. It must be lonely...

[an additional note is crammed in here] Given what happened with Auda, perhaps he'd have been better off remaining behind? [the additional scribble ends here]

Our trip to Torshavn proved brief and uneventful. My sister was in fine health, and time, apparently, heals all wounds...

An outbreak of influenza originating in the hills may be a natural disaster or it may have something to do with a private investigator who descended upon the town. Coincidence? or another mystery to add to the pile?...

There seems to be some sort of tension between Henrik and Auda. It involves Rebecca in some fashion, but I do not know in what capacity. Perhaps Henrik is merely concerned with her well-being. I know that I am. She seems far too young for the burdens that are being placed on her... Rebecca, on the other hand, I expect treats me nicely as fits her disposition. Her teachings have proven most interesting... the rest of the group seems to, at least, tolerate me.

The mystery of Cecil Becker became no clearer at the library. John accompanied me, but in the short time we had available, we were not able to ascertain anything of interest. I had to leave early to visit a bookstore. The big day is coming up and the bookstore is my only real option...

Erik recommended scouting out Bailey before charging in. Carl was in a great hurry, however, and we spent no time gathering information. Everybody headed out heavily armed, save myself. I have no intention of shooting anyone...

I can understand Auda's irritation with Carl's leadership style. Carl clearly knows a great deal, but he seems reluctant to share his knowledge. Henrik and John observed someone following us through the woods. When queried about the situation, Carl said it probably wasn't a big deal and that we should ignore it. This struck me as foolish. I moved out to confront our follower. He spewed some gibberish about Galileo and would not answer my questions. Eventually Carl made his way over to us. It seems our follower was a faerie named "Andrew." More gibberish followed, such as "the Queen has left the desert." But, of course, I've already noted this in my "mystery" file...

Once again Carl and Auda performed one of their interminable ceremonies. At least, this time, something happened. Apparently, opening a leyline causes a large and discernible amount of energy to be unleashed...

Before performing the ceremony, Carl performed some rite that drained Rebecca of her energy. Neither Carl nor Auda appeared concerned. This worries me. Carl and Auda should be looking after her and instead they seem to...use her.

As soon as Auda emerged from the circle, he sinced something was amiss (the leyline didn't go "through"?) and he hurried off along the muddy path created by the leyline. Carl and Rebecca were in no condition to move. Erik and John chased after him (all of them armed to the teeth), while Henrik and I remained behind to take care of Carl and Rebecca. Shortly thereafter, John returned and requested additional assistance. Apparently Auda wanted to attack a church he had discovered. Henrik left with him, but I refused so that I could remain behind with the wounded and the idea of attacking the church seemed hastily reached. I wanted no part of it.

Once again, a short time passes, and Henrik returned saying that Auda was demanding Rebecca assist him. Believing that she was in no condition (physical or mental) to take part in any strenuous activity, I objected. Rebecca and Henrik ignored my protests and attempted to move towards the church. Something Henrik did infuriated her and they flailed about. Before they could resume their trek, John and Erik returned dragging a comatose Auda. Apparently, Erik had taken matters into his own hands and assaulted Auda to prevent him from doing something foolish. I commend the quiet German for his presence of mind in a crisis. He speaks quietly, but carries a big stick. With nearly half our group incapacitated, I was in favor of retreating back to the village. However, Carl wanted to perform some further rite. More big talk occurred about responsibility and choosing sides and other such nonsense.

Ignoring this gibberish, I offered to assist Carl by giving him some of my "energy." John did likewise, while Henrik and Rebecca dragged Auda back to the inn. They both seemed pretty angry at Auda. I hope no harm comes to him on the trip (I guess...). I doubt they would do anything, but tensions were running high and we are all exhausted and at the end of our ropes... Carl offered us some beverage, which, throwing caution to the wind, I consumed. It enhanced my vitality like, well, like magic. Carl then siphoned off the energy from John and I and performed another boring rite. This time, nothing seemed to happen.

We then visited the faerie village after Carl gave away some of his blood or some drink or some darned thing. The village was quite unassuming.......