TheStarsAreRight:Letter By Unknown Author 01
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Fragment Of An Undated Letter Located at Whisphers Estate, Chalone-Sur-Saone
Yes, my dear friend, the Seven Who Wait(1) exist. And the Gates Of Hell exist, and there is Something foul and perditious beyond them. That Something is so seductive to most Humans, but not to Us. It is that sense of overwhelming Evil emaneting from these terrible sealed Gateways that drives Us ever onward on Our sacred charges. We fight the Seven and their agents whenever and wherever. We can, and We seek Them out for this Battle. We alone are feared by Them, for We are the immortal last line of defense.
Things are progressing well in England. Word has reached Us of a possible ally in a Frenchman(2) and a few of his associates, but I have been unable as yet to contact him. As with most of Us who fight this Battle, he is doubtless most cautious, so it . . . . letter ends here
Spelling has not been corrected from the orignial
(1) Thought to be a reference to a voodoo cult in the America South.
(2) Probably a reference to Pierre Farquell