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I now understand the world very differently than I did a year ago. I write this knowing that my understanding may be very different a year from now, or for that matter the world simply may not exist - as it will be passing through a crisis point not long after October of 1932.

This world is surrounded by dark, alien other forces known only as Outsiders who periodically threaten the Earth most in a cycle of thousands of years. In addition, there are some dark forces now of the Earth, including the blood-drinking fae - the union of the Earthly and certain Outsiders known as the Elders.

Magic exists, in a form rather different and more palpable than many believe. There are three key forces:

  • Life or Vitalics - growing, potential, energy, chaos
  • Fate or Ponics - direction, form, order
  • Body or Logos - identity, self, structure, purpose

There are three mystic kingdoms associated with these forces. According to mystic principles, each should have a King, supported by a Consort, Teacher, and General. For the Earth to be strong, all positions should be filled by dedicated people and the kingdoms should be in balance. Until recently, the King of Fate, Goddard Eisley, had been enormously dominant. Eisley had lead a group who were maintaining the millennia-old suppression of magic, using a "philosophical machine" to handle this suppression for him. However, the machine got out of control, turning the world to stasis and controlling him. The machine was destroyed in 1929, accompanied by momentous portends throughout the world.

The King of Life is currently Carl Ellis. He is associated with a group based in France, known as the French faction or the Farquellians. They have a center in Chalon-sur-Saône, in Burgundy. His Consort is his wife Julian, his Teacher Ramaela, and his General Tony Grimaldi (currently absent).

The King of Fate was currently Theo Weiss, who took over from Goddard Eisley, who had been in charge during the operation of the Machine. Theo has his wife as his Consort, but he has no teacher, and a potential general Boris. He has a powerful base of operations in Spain inherited from Eisley, known as The Tower. They are sometimes known as the Spanish faction, and they have developed many devices that manipulate magical energy.

The King of Body is Auda Abassi, who is new to the position and has little support or resources. His Consort is his former girlfriend Rebecca Mueller - though some are grooming a Viennese woman Marissa to replace her. He has no Teacher, and his potential General is Henrik Mueller.

The kings also as a set have negotiators, including Erich von Drakheim. Redland Jack may be another negotiator, according to a symbol test by Carl Ellis.

The three powers in turn, have a set of six Principles that help govern the world. Each of these is embodied in a woman, with related qualities, illustrated in the pattern of correspondences below:

Pattern of Correspondences