The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose
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Name: The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose
Caste: Dawn Concept: Former Realm Legionary Motivation: Found an empire of her very own, starting in Chiaroscuro. Anima: A crossed rose and sword.
Physical 4 Strength 3 Dexterity 4 Stamina Social 3 Charisma 2 Manipulation 4 Appearance Mental 2 Perception 3 Intelligence 2 Wits
Abilities: (Mark Favored and Caste with *)
0 Archery* 0 Martial Arts* 3 Melee * 0 Thrown* 3 War*
1 Integrity 0 Performance 0 Presence 3 Resistance* 0 Survival
0 Crafts 0 Investigation 2 Lore 2 Medicine* 0 Occult
3 Athletics* 0 Awareness 0 Dodge 0 Larceny 3 Stealth*
0 Bureaucracy 2 Linguistics 3 Ride 0 Sail 3 Socialize*
Charms: Body-Mending Meditation, Call The Blade, Dipping Swallow Defense, First Melee Excellency, First Resistance Excellency, First War Excellency, Hungry Tiger Technique, Mob-Dispersing Rebuke, Ox-Body Technique, Rout-Stemming Gesture
Combos: The Hungry Tiger Devours The Dipping Swallow (First Melee Excellency, Hungry Tiger Technique, Dipping Swallow Defense) (1wp, 3m)
Cult 2 (Cult of The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun) Followers 4 (Army of The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun) Resources 5
Intimacies: Love of Freedom, Loyalty to the Circle
Possessions: Estate with posh villa, Lavish saddles & tack, Royal clothing & jewelry, Several fine horses.
2 Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperance 3 Valor
6/6 Willpower
2 Essence
12/12 Personal 30/30 Peripheral 00 Committed
00 Limit Break
Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt
Health levels: -0 -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 Incapacitated
Weapons: Knife, Straight sword
Armour: Concealed reinforced buff jacket (when traveling, attending diplomatic functions, et cetera)
Plate-and-chain (when she has warning that there's a fight coming, and time to put it on)
Tower shield (when she has warning that there's a fight coming, and time to strap it on)
Bonus points spent: 15
Experience spent: 0
Experience unspent: 0
Experience gained: 0
Soak: 2L/4B (base) 7L/12B (with the reinforced buff jacket) 10L/14B (with the plate-and-chain)
Languages: Flametongue, High Realm, Low Realm
Likes: Hot Women, People calling her Tempest, Solars, Soldiering
Dislikes: Dragonbloods, People calling her The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose, The Realm, Slavery
Quotes: "My name is The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose. But you can call me Tempest." "I said, call me Tempest, damnit." "Dragonbloods. Great. Why can't they just leave me the fuck alone already?" "Any of you ex-slaves want to join up, feel free. The rest of you will get a nice plot of land of your very own to farm."
History: The scion of a relatively minor noble house in the Realm, the girl who was to later become The Angelic Tempest Sword Of The Golden Rose was raised with the expectation that she would one day become a Legion officer. As such, her upbringing was one of strict discipline. At 16, she was enrolled in the House of Bells, to be trained in commanding troops.
Graduating from the House on her 21st birthday, she was made a fang-lieutenant in one of the Imperial Legions. By the time the Empress's disappearance became common knowledge, she had risen to talon-captain.
Exalting not long ago, she fled south to Chiaroscuro, where she has started planning to found an empire of her own.