The Battle at the Gate of Adagalsack

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The Conference at the Gate[edit]

King Julian and Duke Relmopator led the forces of Adagalsack beyond the Great Gate, the wind whistling through the high stone arch as banners waved and troops readied for battle. In the distance, the Azcalan forces assembled—an endless sea of men, beasts, and warriors clad in feathered armor.

Duke Fortunadus, the ever-present tactician, was already consulting his map, his eyes sharp with anticipation. His Gathering of the Green warriors wandered among the forces of Adagalsack giving kind word, encouragement, and singing battle songs..

The great assembly of troops followed the King and his favorite duke, The south wind. With them came the East Wind;Trualta, the Horse Lord and his forces.

Behind Relmopator flew his familiar Bob, the beholder, seeing, and recording everything.. On his lap is the small dog Kevin, familiar with battle by now. Behind them the forces of the south.

The Azcalan forces were led by the Great Prince of Zictla, Zictalas, Son of the Azcalan God-Emperor Tonacat. 200,000 feathered infantry. 10,000 of the Chiplix spread out to leap and lead.

Realmer’s eyes narrowed as he observed the Azcalan lines. "They don't fight to conquer, Julian. They fight to... feed something darker. These men, they believe sacrifice is the only currency they have with their gods."

Contact occurred quickly with the forces of Adagalsack outnumbered but far better trained and armored. Duke Fortunadus mentally contacted Julian and Realmer. " You guys have them pinned. I’m rounding up some eager soldiers—three thousand bards, practically tripping over themselves to become legends, or at least part of songs. I’ll take the East around your line, Julian. Running room is plentiful, but watch your left—the dottles cavalry is there. They are doing well but that flank won’t hold if the Azcalans strike at full force."*

Julian frowns grimly, "Understood. And if we pull back to the road, we might force them to the Gate. Outnumbered or not, our troops are better seasoned."

As the dottles flanked widely Fort called mentally, “Hey!!, they have something like 100,000 infantry about 5 miles down the Azcalan road!!!

Julian curses. "Alright. Let's do a staged retreat back to the road. See if we can lure them to the gate. We have better troops. .Rotating units in the gate we can out last them.”

Fort says," They can certainly breed!!!"

Realmer says," they breed heavy to feed the alters."

An hour passes as the battle breaks up to follow the Adagalsack troops as they race to a defensive hold at the gate.

Once the gate defense was established a 100,000 troop line faced the 350,000 Azcalan invading force.

King Julian shouts, “We won't give them an inch!! If I die here, by the teats of the unicorn, the bastards will know they fought a Prince of Amber! Can't let Eric have all the glory of dying for Amber!!”

Duke fort rolls his eyes, trying to decide what troops he could get here fast enough through magical portals.

The forces of Adagalsack reposition themselves, marching back to the Great Gate in a disciplined, steady retreat. As the Azcalan army pushes forward, the clash grows fiercer, the air thick with the clamor of swords and the smell of smoke and sweat. Both sides know this is more than a battle; it is a test of wills and legacies.

When the Earth Shook[edit]

Just then the earth shook. Out beyond the Azcalan army came a rushing magical cloud obscuring the rear horizen and the Jeweled Road.

And Hell followed with it.

Suddenly, the sound of deep, resonant horns fills the battlefield, echoing off the distant cliffs and the clouds dissipated. All heads turned as, from the rear of the Azcalan forces, the First Legions of King Alexandir kos Korag came into view. Towering above them, five thousand titans stride forward in gleaming, enchanted Rearden armor, each wielding a sword taller than a man, cleaving through Azcalan lines with no hesitation.*

As Alexandir’s titans advance, their greatswords mow down wave after wave of Azcalan infantry. Behind them, 10,000 human warriors move with precision, dispatching the wounded and closing off any escape routes.

The very earth continued to shake beneath the Rearden shod titan legions that surged onto the battlefield, their massive forms casting shadows over the troops below. Rearden chain-plate glinted in the sun as their greatswords sliced through the Azcalan ranks like a scythe through wheat. No mercy was offered or given. To the Azcalan's credit, none was asked for.

The king and the two dukes all cast Far Eye to see what was happening there.

At the front of the 10' titans was the 14' great King Alexandir of Tosa in his legendary Rearden plate armor. His presence, like an unstoppable force of nature, cleaved the enemy’s will in half."

Units of cavalry and infantry flanked the Azcalans to keep them from fleeing. The blue and yellow covered cavalry showed that the Kingdom of Wall was in the battle.

Fort comes to his king in person. "You could ask them to surrender and it would do no good. Alex has his berserk on. So do those 5000 buddies of his. That's his Warrior Brethren. He'll cut them down till he stands before us."

Realmer asks,"Do we let him?"

Julian mutters, "This is high barbarism."*

Realmer adds, "I have never seen anything like it."*

Fort says, “I have, but then I've fought beside Alex his whole life.”

Julian nods, “ Funny thing is that Benedict is probably around here someplace and he has. Alright. Surrendering troops get our protection. We see how much good that does. I'll tell you one thing. I'm am not interested in fighting that monster if his berserk is really on. Start rotating surrendered troops inside the gate. Maybe we can civilized them. Find their Prince"

Out of the titans strides Alexandir himself, king of Tosa, king of York, mauling through warriors too stupid to admit defeat. Their great leaders stride to fight him thinking only of their glory if they defeat him .

Fort says, "Somethings strange down there. He fights with a 6' Maudu and a broadsword. Why?"

Realmer says," He is mowing them down good. Defending with the Maudu. ."

Julian inhales hard,"The broadsword...It can't be.... damn... it is. That's Shieldbreaker!!! He is wielding Shieldbreaker against the Azcalans!!"

Fort nods," There is a good chance they don't know it's secret. Do we tell them? "

Julian looks at his two generals. "They came to make war on us. Let's make it so they won't do it again in the lives of men. Charge."

The forces surge out and fight toward Alexandir. His forces suddenly break right as the Azcalan command attempt to shift and get the the Azcalan side of the titans. But the cliff walls of the road to Adagalsack, though miles away make it hard.

In a blur the area around Alexandir goes still and the Azcalan army flees. The titan follow as do the Tosians.

Alexandir salutes and does a 1/5 bow, giving the battle and victory to King Julian, allowing the native troops to follow the fleeing forces.

The battle wanes as the remaining Azcalans break and flee, but Alexandir’s forces give no quarter. Eventually, surrounded by the protective wall of titans, Alexandir approaches King Julian, his armor spattered with the blood of his enemies. His calm demeanor contrasts sharply with the intensity of the fight.*

The Choice of the Dead[edit]

Alexandir, bowing slightly, "The field is yours, King Julian. My forces will withdraw as you command, but I bring news of a choice."*

  • He gestures to the fallen body of Zictalas, the Great Prince of Zictla. Currently dead.

"My healers could raise him anytime in the next few hours. King Vance has the technology to as well if we get him there quickly. It is your decision. My advice is let Tonacat know that making war on Amber or Adagalsack has consequences.."

Julian looks to Fort.

"My bard and General , you know the ways of the Azcalans. What would you suggest?"*

Fortunadus shrugs. "There is a price for being a leader of men. Build a pyre. Let his people see him returned to ashes."

Julian nods thoughtfully and turns to Realmer.

Julian looks to Realmer. " Duke of the South Wind and my closest adviser. What say you? "

Realmer fights his urges but says " Azcala owes the shopgirls of Amber if no one else. He came to make war on us. He would be a great hostage. Tonacat would pay a great deal for him. Even dead. Their control over life and death may be beyond ours. But I would not turn my eyes nor disagree if he was placed on a pyre."

"My king, we have an opportunity here that cannot be ignored. The battlefield is thick with the bodies of our fallen, but they need not remain so. I can raise them, give them purpose once more. Imagine what an army of undead soldiers would mean for the future of Adagalsack."

Relmopator’s eyes gleam with a cold fire. He speaks with the calm confidence of someone who has long embraced the art of necromancy, seeing the dead as tools, nothing more. "We will control not only the living, but the dead. And the Azcalans will fear us, King Julian. The dead obey, and they do not tire."

Julian looks down at the bodies—fallen soldiers, both from his side and the Azcalans. He sees them as men who fought and died with honor, and the idea of using them as pawns disturbs him.

Julian says, "You speak of them as if they are merely husks, Relmopator. They were once men, with families and homes. Do you forget that?" Julian's voice is tight with a quiet fury, but his mind is torn. He has always trusted Relmopator, but this… this crosses a line he isn’t sure he’s willing to cross.

Relmopator shrugs, his expression unbothered.

"They are soldiers now, my king. And soldiers serve until they no longer can. As King Oberon was fond of saying: Death is no reprieve from duty."

Julian thinks. I did not wage this war to turn my kingdom into a place of the dead. Necromancy is an unnatural art. To claim the dead… it feels like an affront to their memory, to the very idea of honor in battle.

His eyes flick to the pyre that will be built to honor the fallen. The fire will cleanse the dead, send their souls—if such things exist—into the next realm. But even as he thinks of this, the question gnaws at him: Would it be more honorable to let these men rest in peace, or to claim their power for the kingdom’s future?

Julian looks to the thrice crowned bard, “Your advice?”

Fort says clearly, with conviction, "Not even your most loyal subjects will accept the raising of the dead, my king. If you claim the fallen here, you risk losing the support of the people. They may not understand why you would raise an army of monsters—no matter the threat."

Realmer nods, with a rare solemnity, "You are right, Fort. Necromancy isn’t just a tool—it’s a symbol. What will the people say when they see our soldiers walking among the dead? They may not fear it, but they will hate it."

Relmopator stands at the edge of the gathering, his fingers twitching with the potential power he could claim. He watches the pyre being constructed, his lips barely moving as he speaks to Julian.

"Yet, It is not too late, my king. There is time yet to claim those who fell today. What will you do with the dead, Julian? Will you let them go to the flames as your ancestors did? Or will you make use of them, make them serve Adagalsack for a greater purpose?"

Julian looks toward the fire, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision.

Finally, after much contemplation, Julian gathers his advisors and the army’s leaders around him.

Julian speaks, "Relmopator, I respect your loyalty. You have served Adagalsack well. But I cannot in good conscience raise these men from the dead. The battlefield is not a place for magic that defiles the natural order. We will honor them as they deserve. The pyre is for all the dead, both friend and foe. I will not have Adagalsack known for necromancy, no matter the temptation it offers. Let us remember these warriors for their valor, not their use as tools of war."

Relmopator’s expression hardens, but he nods respectfully. He knows his king’s mind will not be changed, at least not today.

Relmopator, "Very well, my king. If that is your will, I will obey. But you must understand the costs of this decision. In the future, we may face enemies that will not be defeated by mortal men alone." He gestures to the pyre. "And when that day comes, we may wish we had done things differently."

But he also thinks, Ashes may not be dead enough for him to be unable to raise them, if needed.

Julian stands tall, his jaw set.

"We will find other ways to defend Adagalsack. We will rely on living men, not the dead."

As the flames begin to rise, consuming the bodies of both Azcalans and his own fallen warriors, Julian’s mind still churns with doubt. He knows he has made a hard decision, one that will have consequences far beyond the battlefield. The question of how far he will go to protect Amber lingers in the back of his mind, but for now, he has chosen the path of honor, even at the cost of military advantage.

Julian nods to King Alexandir as he watches the fire, stoically. "Thank you, King of Tosa. Would you join us at the Spiral of the West Wwind, meet my wife?"

Alex bows a full quarter. "It would be my honor, your Majesty. "

Julian nods, issues orders but stops the giant king, “May I ask you something sir?”

He nods.

“If the field was yours, would you have raised the dead?”

The King of Wall looks to the King of Adagalsack with certainty.

“No. And none of my advisors would have suggested it. Of course one of my advisors is your own Duke Fortunadus, of course. You are a new king. I had a time to make that choice. I made the same as you did. Never question it.”

King Julian nods. “Then let us travel to the Hall of the West Wind, and my wife.”

And so it was done.

Tale in the hall of the West Wind[edit]

This story is just starting and wont be big. but i have a few things to put here.

At the great feast King Julian held court. His 3 dukes, Relmopator, Fortunadus, & Trualta sat at the high table with the king and with King Alexandir. Though King Alex on metaphorically sat at the head table. He always brought if low table and reclining couch so he did not loom over others at gatherings.

Knighthoods were granted. Counts were made. Tales of the war told. The advantage of having a force like the Green Bards was there were always song to sing and tellers of tales.

After the evening went on King Alex came to the high table, bowing, "King Julian, I have business before your court. May I proceed?"

Julian looks up curiously. "Of course."


Epilouge: Kingdom of Vulsara[edit]

A loud chime jolted King Vance of Vulsara from sleep at 3 a.m., his screen flickering to life with the grim face of the officer on duty in the Trump Room. The worry in the officer's eyes was enough to get me upright, already reaching for my sword.

“Lieutenant, I am guessing you need me?”

“Sir, uh.. I'm on duty in the Trump hall and I need you here immediately. Also anyone else of the blood. My next call is to Admiral Vander, followed by Captain Agrom. “

Turning to summon his uniform he added his sword just in case.

“Is the world on fire? I think I would know...Will 5 minutes be enough?”

He looks away, then back, “Uh...No sir, it won't”

Sensing the pattern he felt a wildly damaged person with a pattern imprint. He nodded and let the LT go.

Pulling my deck I pull Vander's trump.

“I'm going to the Trump Hall. Not sure, but its an emergency. Be there in a minute. Not sure why.”

Pulling the Vulsar Base card Vance steps through to the room Amberites arrive in. The room is the best defended in the realm but some battles are best left to the blood royale.

While the Trump Hall is well staffed its one face I see first that shocks me.

Jacques. I’d never met him, yet his reputation preceded him. A forgotten son of Oberon, unbound by duty to Amber, whose fierce independence was whispered about in the military halls from one end of the empire to the other. He stood now before me, his reputation for defiance and cunning carved into every scar and glance. A brother of Random's not in the King Random Deck.

He was rumored to have been a marshal under Napoleon. And served under Benedict. Rumored to have told off Oberon to his face. I'd read some of his battle plans at various academies. Hamilton told me that the two of them once had a knockdown drag out fight.

Yet here he was, at 3am.,with a huge contingent of mongols. A hundred or so swarthy horseman on steppes horse standing in the Trump Room. Well outfitted but bloody from battle. Looking around the room there was a contingent of ronin as well. 30 or so all coated in blood and mud.

Star Fleet medical moved among them working on small wounds but an air of danger filled the hall as rarely filled came to Vulsar.

He walked to me, “You are Vance, son of Delwin, lord of this realm. I am Jaques Abu Fala, First Marshal of the Flowing Horde. It is my understanding that I have no warrants of arrest or orders of execution against me in the Kingdom of Amber. As a Golden Circle King and servant of Amber, do I have your word these things are true?”

Nodding, “I am King Vance of Vulsara, son of Delwin, Patron of the Amber Star Fleet and a member of the Privy Council of King Random. I know of no orders concerning you, sir. You seem to have been in battle, how may we help?”

At that moment I felt Admiral Vander and Captain Agrom arrive, followed by Admirals Candle Hyle and Celecat. They arrayed behind me but the marshal took no notice.

“I have a soldier near death that under no circumstances can be allowed to die. Your medical personnel put him in a stasis field, properly and to my surprise without question. Then called you rather then treat him further. If you intend to arrest him for crimes he may have committed in shadow it will be a breach of long oaths between he and Amber.”

Looking to my staff they sense the danger

“Lets take a look then.”

The crowd separated as I pressed forward till I came to a medical station withing a stasis field. What I saw shocked me despite the many years I spent in the Abyss.

On the table lay a prince of Amber. Borlak. Helpless, defenseless, and nearly headless.

Legends rarely arrive by daylight, and the sight of Borlak near death should have sent me to King Random instantly. Yet here Jacques was, appealing to me, and the Khan’s survival seemed a matter that demanded swift action. I hesitated. If Random disagreed with my choice, the repercussions could be dire—but leaving the Khan to die seemed a worse betrayal.

His head lay at an odd angle. Looking at the wound on the neck I could see the spinal cord was intact but muscle, tendon, skin was ripped from it as if by bare hands. He armor was pealed back, shimmering as if it wished to cover the wounded man or let death take him.

Jacques stepped beside me, “The Khan swore to not turn his blade against Amber and bound his oath with King Oberon. He has kept his oath. Oberon is gone. Does King Random honor the oaths his father swore or have I delivered my liege to his death?”

Legends rare come by daylight and this morning was no difference. Here lay Prince Borlak, son of Oberon and one of the builders of the Castle Amber. Great Khan of the Flowing Horde. Companion of the Tiger. Horselord of the Midshadows. Scourge of Regor. Wielder of Shieldbreaker. I ought to have called Random immediately and kick this call upstairs as it were. But Jaques had come to me. He could have pulled the trump to Castle Amber just as easily and found similar, if not as technological medical attention. The call was mine.

“I know he is wanted across a million worlds and Regor wants him most of all. But I serve Amber, not Regor and as far as I know there are no wants and warrants for him there. Lieutenant, take your patient to my medical bay. Stabilize the equipment there and prepare to take him to Deretal.” They start to move the station but Jaques halts it.

Jacques raised an eyebrow. “This ‘Deretal’—where exactly is it?”

“Its a shadow nearby that we take bad medical cases to. Its medical facilities are more extensive then here but its still part of my kingdom. Its environs begin healing immediately no matter how bad the wounds. The time ratio is better then Vulsar's which is 60 to 1 in Amber. “ Letting the stasis field be moved we follow.

“May I ask what on earth did that to him?”

“An unprovoked surprise attack by King Alexandir Kos Korag who now wields Shieldbreaker.”

I looked to my yeoman. “Coffee. Tea. Prepare quarters. Prepare my ready room. Uncle Jaques, we have established that no wants and warrants exist against your liege or yourself. We have used family terms, may I call you uncle?”

He looked at me curiously, smiles slight. Looks to his liege.

“As long as such conversation occurs while I am in sight of my liege.”

Looking to the yeoman I tell her, “Inform Deretal to prepare my conference room over the observation room.

A doctor comes over as the portal to Deretal is opened. “Sir, most of the injuries we can easily treat here if they allow us. But if you are going to Deretal there are about a dozen cases that could use extensive treatment.”


“We’ll get these people treated at once,” I said. The doctor nodded, but Jacques held up a hand, halting the medical staff. “These soldiers are Flowing Horde Elite,” he said. “They’ll wait—at all costs—to guard the Khan. Their own treatment will wait. Even at the loss of their lives. ”

A sigh escaped me. “Understood. But as long as they’re under my care, they will be protected—and they will be healed. All of them.”

Jaques says,”These soldiers are Flowing Horde Elite. Each a warrior of legend. They were in the fight that laid low the Khan. They are here to protect him. Sighing I tell my uncle, ”Your liege is under my protection. If Benedict himself comes to slay him he shall have to slay me first. The same protection extends to everyone you brought. You have my oath.”

He nodded, and looked to his troops, “All will go to this place.” I nodded in agreement. Things happened fast then.

Borlak was moved through the portal and immediately to a medical suite. His followers were seen to and healed as quickly as possible.

Jaques turned out to have an arm and a foot twisted completely around, out of sockets and hanging loose. While he went to regeneration chambers I went to the conference room. The observation room was a long one where observers could watch 300 patients at a time.

Vander and Agrom, Candle and Celecat followed me in. I settled in the command chair. As everyone settled Agrom brought me coffee, a couple bagels and a shmere of lox and cream cheese. A small cup of the Calrabon pepper sauce and a bottle of Tabasco were of course next to the bagels.

In the command room, the air grew thick with the mingled scent of blood, antiseptic, and sweat. I sat, reaching for a cup of steaming coffee and a bagel, trying to anchor myself against the gravity of our situation. Each of my officers took their places, glancing toward the observation room where Borlak’s life hung in the balance.

Silence ruled the room.

Vander broke it. “Damn...”

“To be sure.” Agrom added. “ So whats next? Call Random? “

I thought on that. Every moment was procrastination I knew. I couldn't have Random take over Deretal in a fit of panic.

“Lets get as many of these Horde Elites healed as possible first. They can stand around the healing tank till he is ready. We can put them all in stasis if we choose. Second. Med report.

I read the report aloud. “Jaques would be up in a few hours. Even here, in the best healing we have, Borlak will take years to heal. A least he won't degenerate.”

Leaning back I have time to sip coffee and shmere a bagel. Calrabon sauce then cream cheese. Tabasco and cream cheese on the next. No one talked as we each considered the enormity of our guests.

Hiroki, Borlak's son, was in a prison cell on Vulsara for crimes committed there. His father sent a message of acknowledgment of the punishment with no objection. Now I had two of the king's brothers in healing tanks. One of them the ancient exile Borlak.

Vander interrupted the silence. “We can think of Borlak in the big tank down there all we like but more importantly, the king needs to know that Shieldbreaker has changed hands, In to the hand of a Tosian at that.”

I nodded. “ya, damn.” That fact had escaped me.

“Bring one of the Mongols here,” I ordered, still gripping my coffee. As the silence returned, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the real battle was yet to come. And with Borlak in our care, that battle might well be at our doorstep already.

Epilogue in Castle Amber[edit]

The usual crowd of courtiers filled the throne room but thats hardly unusual. It just a work day. Supplicants bring in thier cases and the King rules on them.

Before this each case would have been reviewed by the legal office to see if it could be settled easier. Nine out of ten would have been settle by due process.

Courtiers often attended just to see be seen and get the gossip of the day. They brought their own refreshments. The court provided lemon water and honey biscuits. Grapes and olives.. Courtiers would provide meat, fowl, cheeses and wines for each other with a greater diversity.

The day was also filled with congratulations for staff who had served 30 or 60 or 100 year terms and the king liked to acknowledge them.

There were also promotions. These could often have been done more privately and often were but the king enjoyed including them publicly. He said promoting someone personally was often a high point of a career. So he promoted a sou chef to assistant chef of the third kitchen.

Recently the assistant was promoted to chief chef of Third Kitchen. Margot had attended that one.

The day wore on. Business was business

It was near 3:00 and typically the king would take a break. He finished a promotion and was about to dismiss court for an hour when a blare of horns filled the chamber. The cadence announced the Royal House of Wall. The king sighed, exasperated by the interruption, but also intrigued. Flower girls led the way, scattering Tosian white roses, while young heralds handed out Tosian blue and yellow chocolates, rare treats that delighted the crowd. These were expensive treats rarely found in Amber

The king sighed again for a this interruption, but at least it held interest and potential. Silently he made the 'Bat Signal' so some of his kin could enjoy the display.

Next, a spear bearer entered, hoisting the banner of Wall—a fierce, ancient emblem emblazoned on worn kresh hide. Behind him marched a file of titans clad in gleaming Reardon armor, their steps shaking the stone floor. Amber’s own elite guards lined the hall, casting uneasy glances as they held their positions, visibly tense in the shadow of these towering warriors.

Finally. In full regalia comes King Alexandir kos Korag. His 10' Reardon plate mail a thing of legend. A baldric left holds the symbols of rulership for Tosa & York and a mighty greatsword. A baldric right holds 12 broaches of Sainthoods of Battle and a second mighty great sword.

Behind the throne, the royals assembled with subtle but unmistakable caution. Bleys kept his hand close to Werewindle’s hilt, Gerard held Ashendale at his side, and Benedict stood poised with his ironwood quarterstaff. Among the courtiers, Fiona and Brand mingled, their eyes sharp, the usual courtly air laced with a sense of tense anticipation.

In the Hall at the back appear Arloxedra in Shatterbound, wielding Eric's blade Gladis openly & Alexandra with her war bow in hand, looking stunned.

King Random rose slowly, setting aside his drumsticks with deliberate calm and reaching for the Royal scepter. “King Alexandir, it’s an honor to greet you in Amber. Had I known you were coming, I’d have prepared a proper reception.”

The giant King bows his head briefly. "The hospitality of your Hall is legendary and it is my fault for my arrival in this manner . (edited)

"With your permission, and the patience of your kin surrounding me, I would get immediately to the business that brings me." The King of Amber in his Majesty bows his head,"please do. Afterwards perhaps Dame Margot will have the luncheon room ready for us to chat."

A titan stepped forward, presenting King Alexandir with a bundle wrapped in richly embroidered cloth. With one swift motion, Alexandir revealed a massive broadsword that seemed almost small in his colossal hand. “This sword came into my possession. I present it now to the Kingdom of Amber and its king, as a token of honor.”

He sets the blade on the ground. He and his entourage step back several meters.

Benedict steps forward and picks up the blade.

He says,"It's Shieldbreaker."

Alexandir nods,"A treasure for your house."

Random looks wide eyed," How can we thank you for this mighty gift?."

King Alex smiles." Allow me to dismiss my entourage to the hospitality of the troops waiting outside the door. They could share a soldiers fare with them. Though I warn their appetites for meat, bread,and drink is great. And if you and I might share Dame Margot luncheon buffet. Please include your assembled kin if you wish."

Random looks to Bleys, Benedict, Fiona, and Arloxedra. "Your Majesty, it would be a delight. To the right here. "

And so, the diminutive King of Amber and the towering King of Tosa and York walked side by side, stepping away from the tension-laden hall. Around them, courtiers whispered, but the two kings remained silent, each harboring thoughts yet unspoken as they made their way to a private luncheon.