The Cult of the Crimson Sign

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The Crimson Sign[edit]


The Cult of the Crimson Sign is one of the largest and most organized cults in Alfein devoted to the worship of the Crimson King, Malaxas. Its leader is Wilbur D'Diavalos, a brilliant Professor of Theology and Pretax Sage who got too deeply into the worship of evil powers, but he's since become only one of the many powerful individuals who make up the Crimson Council that leads the organization.

The Crimson Council keeps its identity secret from the other members of the cult through the wearing of volumous red robes with a black mask that shadows their faces. They also disguise their voices with amulets. The Crimson Council uses a Malaxas' granted scrying pool to confer with individual members and meets once a week at D'Diavalos' home.

The rank and file members of the cult are drawn from the most ruthless and vile thugs of the Shadows. Exposed to the magical power of the Crimson King in demonic ceremonies, their loyalty is then secured through money. Once they have taken the Oath of the Immaculate Doom, the Crimson Council can eliminate them at any time.

The Cult of the Crimson Sign has a keen interest in recruiting supernatural beings and has even enlisted the service of a clan of Werewolves living in the city. With the birth of Mallachio, he can transform nearly anyone into all manner of monsters or undead.

Current Activities[edit]

The Cult of the Crimson Sign was a cult of the Immaculate Doom that is purely self-interested at the start. It's founding members decided to get into Netherdeep worship and diabolism to gain financial and temporal power during the reign of King Hrothbert. Unfortunately, once they were recruited into the cult, they were swiftly overwhelmed and made into pawns of their demonic masters. Wilbur remains strong willed enough of the seven member Crimson Council to still pursue his own dreams of conquest.

The Cult of the Crimson Sign is involved in human sacrifice, kidnapping, and slavery. It also traffics in Dark Magic, exchanging the lives and souls of innocents for magical power. A disturbing number of mediocore wizards have gained great mystical might from the mere sacrifice of their souls.

It's greatest desire is to help in the ascent of the Dukkar. Once Mallachio becomes a Demon Lord, they believe they will be granted immortality (probably true) and eventual rulership of the world (almost certainly false). Already, a number of minor demons have come to the group's service in order to potentially become part of Mallachio's inner circle.


The D'Diavalos estate is the headquarters for the Crimson Sign. Ironically, the actual owner of the building in the High Justicar is unaware of his brother's Satanic designs and merely believes him to be involved in the work of a Grand Arcanum Lodge's peculiar practices. All the servants have been converted to the cult and a group of Werewolves now serve as the permanent security for the place.

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown