The Dragon That Was
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A game of Exalted-flavored Gumshoe where the protagonists must solve the mystery of who or what killed the Ebon Dragon.
GM: Smilingbandit2
Player Characters[edit]
- The Shadowed King with Locks of Diamond and Eyes of Frost, played by Pandorym
- Syrine, played by squidheadjax
- Mister Chen, played by talam
- Rebecca Foxfire, played by Shawn_Hagen
- Inigo Mitsel, played by enigmaticone
- Steel Sky, played by JaeFru
Non-Player Characters[edit]
- Posting Frequency: I expect you to post frequently, at least once a day if not more. They do not need to be long posts! As I've said before, I'd much rather see one sentence seven days a week than seven sentences one day a week. They also do not need to be in the IC thread. If there's any reason you can't, won't or don't want to post IC, that's fine - just say so in the OOC thread and we're cool. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions, either in the OOC thread or through private message.
- Improvisation: You are encouraged - indeed, expected - to improvise details when making your posts. Feel free to make up people, places, concepts, history - whatever. You do not need anyone's permission. I reserve the right to veto an idea, but it's rare that I would need to do so. When other people introduce new details in the game, you are expected to 'yes and' them. You are also explicitly allowed to insert details into other player's characters. If you think it would be fun to have a history with someone, do it! Now, in such situations, the affected player gets a veto that trumps my own veto - so don't be a dick. We're all grown ups, and I think we know where the boundaries are.
- Sex and Violence: This is an Exalted game. It has mature themes, and will contain both explicit violence and sexuality. Again, we're all grown ups - we know how swords work and we know how boobs work. That said, I want to keep things firmly in the realm of an R-rated film. Feel free to chop a dude's arm off, but don't give me torture porn. If your character wants to bed the serving boy, go for it - but don't describe the thrusting and grunting. Also, character romances are welcome, but please avoid being explicit. As I've said before, we're roleplaying but not roleplaying...
- Fighting Between Players: Conflict between characters is great. Conflict between players is not. If you have issue with another player (or me) for any reason, you are expected to resolve it politely. Always give your fellow players the benefit of the doubt; don't hesitate to speak up if you are offended by something, but always enter the discussion assuming that the offense was accidental. If you are uncomfortable discussing something in OOC, reach out to me privately and I will adjudicate. Attacking other players (or me) is grounds for instant removal.
- Canon Exalted Details: I try to incorporate as much detail from the book as time and inclination allow, but don't assume that every thing in every book is canon. I reserve the right to change any canonical details I like to suit the story, and our improvisations always trump the books. The broad strokes are already in place, and I really doubt it'll ever be an issue. All I'm saying is don't come to me all butthurt because Dynast X is supposed to be running Temple Y in province Z. The exception to this is if a detail is important to your character. If your character Exalted because of Dynast X at Temple Y, then I'll do all I can to square the circle.