The Ebon Dragon's Rogues Gallery

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The Dummy and Miss Sugar[edit]

Appearance: The drop dead gorgeous Alusair keeps her hair covering one eye as she struggles to avoid showing that her left eye is blind from Merrix III's abuses. She's started to wear nothing but slinky attire as part of her bizarre infatuation with being nothing more than Merrix's puppet. It may take many people a bit to realize that they're dealing with Princess Alusair since the 'Crossbow-Moll' of the current Boromar clan is a far cry from the wonderfully strong woman of before.

Personality: Alusair is a woman that oozes sexiness, sultriness, and a slightly criminal quality that makes her an excellent femme fatale. The fact she's not entirely there is easilly apparent the way she often talks to the dummy even when he's not actually present. She has a burning hatred for Merrix III but cannot bring herself to resist his brain washing unless he directly harms her.

Background: The vivacious, beautiful, and talented Alusair Ir'Wynarn was the heir-apparent to King Boranal despite being only his second daughter (Brelish law allows for such passing over). Unfortunately, for the anti-monarchists, there was no doubt that she'd make an excellent successor to Boranal. She was a strong leader and unwilling to bow down to any self-interested politicians or lobbies in the Realm. Furthermore, she was a veteran of the Last War and a firm patriot with nothing but a desire to save the world from the forces of those who would plunge it into a new Last War.

Alusair Ir'Wynarn was kidnapped by Merrix III several months ago and proceeded to be put through a nightmarish series of brainwashing attempts, torture regimes, and bluntly "violation" at the hands of Merrix's men to break her down. They successfully managed to destroy her mind but unfortunately were unable to gain control of it. Merrix III has since substituted a member of the Cabinet of Faces (the organization having not revived itself but some small pockets still operating) in the face of Alusair in the Royal Family. Curiously, Merrix has instead allowed Alusair to take up residence in the ranks of the Aurrum as a sort of perverse example of his power over the nobility.

The schizophrenic Alusair has taken over the operations of House Daask and is slowly executing Merrix III's enemies in House Thrask as she uses the criminal organization to help transform the organization into an arm of the Aurrum. Curiously enough, she maintains ties with Merrix III at all times through one of his Homonculus that takes the form of a puppet that he plays on the idea she is simply a madman to talk to.

Oswald "The Puffin" Boromar[edit]

The Red Jester[edit]


Wynessa Summersby was always a severe problem for her family. Despite growing up as the severely underprivileged daughter of one of Sharn's Sixty Families, Wynessa was always rebelling against what she saw as a vapid and pointless existence. Wynessa sought a higher meaning in her life that would lead her through numerous phases that tested her parent's patience and their pocket book in covering up. Nevertheless, most assumed Wynessa would eventually grow out of her activist lifestyle and become a suitable member of society. This was unlikely since Wynessa had a burning and almost all consuming need to distinguish herself against a society she hated.

The ending of the Last War brought about a major change in her lifestyle as she became acquainted with a fabulously beautiful man named 'Lord Woodrow.' A brilliant and charismatic figure who just appeared on the Sharn social scene, he claimed to be a Fey Lord and 'King of the Druids' alternatively. While most of society recognized him for the social predator he was, Wynessa quickly fell under his sway as he beguiled her with stories of becoming one with the world and the secrets therein. It is entirely possible that he also used more than a little magic in her seduction as well.

In the end, her parents were appalled when Wynessa announced she was going to take her portion of the family inheritance now and go join her "Brothers and Sisters of the Wood" in order to heal the damage done by the Last War. When her family flat out refused and had her locked away for eventual 'treatment', she was pleased to see that Lord Woodrow came to rescue her and even arranged for the horrible pair to perish in a Druid magic born fire. While Wynessa regretted that they had to suffer such a grizzly fate, her mentor assured her that it was people like her who had brought down the wrath of the planet onto mankind.

Unfortunately, no sooner had Wynessa gained her full inheritance than Lord Woodrow revealed that he was not only a murderer but a liar as well. Little more than a disgraced Morgrave University professor who had studied some minor magic under the Wardens of the Wood for his thesis, he had turned to flim flam in order to get a wealthy sponsor. After confirming the wedding between them, officiated by a corrupt Sharn judge, Woodrow had her gagged and dragged off to be buried in the woods that she so loved.

The abuses that Razorvine endured are best left unspoken of but they buried her still living body in the soil and left her die. It is only miracle, or destiny, that resulted in the woman actually being buried in a Manifest Zone to Thelanis. Crawing her way out of the ground, she presented herself a large number of Fey who were amused by her insistance that she was one of their loyal followers. Wynessa was promptly warped by their magic into the image of a Dryad and taught the genuine secrets of Greensinger Druidism.

This would be a happy ending for a dreadfully wronged woman, if not for the fact that Wynessa was driven insane by her ordeal. Never that stable to begin with, Wynessa almost immediately returned to Sharn after finishing her apprenticeshp and proceeded to poison Lord Woodrow's entire cult. It is unknown what happened to the Professor himself, but some suggest that Wynessa turned him into a man-eating plant and still keeps him as a pet.

The number of terrorist attacks by the newly renamed 'Razorvine' are fairly small so far. She tends to favor small targets like rich, wealthy, bachelors or destroying particularly offensive Cannith factories. So far, the authorities have mostly dismissed her threat (to their peril). She has actually done far more damage than most couple ever imagine by funding extremist sects and causally disposing of her jilted lovers with poisonous kisses. This is all building up for what she hopes will eventually be the end of Sharn and the start of the destruction of modern civilization. It is only a matter of time before her activities begin to escalate and the entire world knows the wrath of a woman scorned.


Neutral Evil Human [???] Female Greensinger Druid

Wynessa's vengeance is not satisfied by her mentor's death and somehow she's become warped enough by her ordeal enough that she believes that she's been "chosen" to tear down civilization and restore it to its natural verdant state. The Ashbound or Children of Winter might normally agree with such goals but she is driven by a burning misanthropy that prevents any long lasting alliances from forming. Worse, Wynessa is a hypocrite in many respects and often finds herself craving the luxury of her socialite past. Thus, she usually builds her Druidic temples in the middle of Sharn or other cities for easy access to pleasure.

Wynessa Summersby has learned enough of disguise and shape-shifting that she can slip into high society easilly enough in-between her terrorist attacks. Most men are eager to give her whatever she wants (and some females as well). Razorvine uses these fools to line her own pockets and fund her research into increasing her own druidic powers. Despite being educated by the Fey, Wynessa has very little contact with the rest of the Greensingers and must now attempt to learn more about her burgeoning powers on her. Those few members of the sect who know about her can summarize their opinions with a simple "I understand why she's mad but she really needs to lighten up."

Personality: Wynessa relies on her fabulous beauty and charming personality to get what she wants in most cases. Wynessa is almost incapable of returning affection and assumes that any display of love is just one partner or the other fooling themselves. She's susceptible to flattery and naked appeal to lust, though the later runs the risk of her causally poisoning her lover afterwards.

She is not wholly evil, despite how deeply disturbed she is, and can occasionally be compelled to spare obvious innocents and turn her wrath against any other evil party that is clearly destroying the environment (Merrix the Younger is one of her most hated foes-despite the fact that he doesn't even know she's alive).