The Gods Arcem Needs:Malthis Davids
Malthis Davids[edit]
Backstory: He was raised from a young age to be a cinnabar mage, rising up through the ranks due to the twisted beauty and poise granted by the eugenics projects on his ancestors. He was later abducted by Sand Princes and learned to be a mighty thief.
Goal: Rule a city.
Level: 2
Experience Points: 3
Hit Points: 13
Armor Class: 0
Effort: 4
Wealth: 0
Influence: 3
Dominion: 2 spent, 0 left.
Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+1)
Saving Throws[edit]
Origin: Beautiful socialite product of inbreeding.
Past Career: Escaped Cinnabar Archmage
Relationship: King of Thieves.
Merchant lord of the seas
1d10+2 weapon
0 AC
Night, freedom, alarcity.
One lone fire, the storm breaks, effort freedom, walk between the rain, knife of shadows, untouchable.
Word Benefits[edit]
A Godbound of Freedom has an invincible defense against any mind-controlling or influencing effect, whether a magical afiction or mortal addiction.
Heroes with the Alacrity Word cannot be surprised. Tey may increase their Dexterity to 16, or to 18 if it’s already 16 or higher.
Heroes with the Word of Night can see perfectly in darkness. Tey need not sleep, and their actions will never involuntarily cause the awakening of any sleepers around them.