The Great Commorragh Campaign/Heskill

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Heskill is a young kabalite who resents those above him, throughout his life the trueborn have insulted and demeaned him, but he knows that one day they will come to regret it. He is working on slowly clawing his way to the top. Skills Arena 3 Awareness 10 Commerce 3 Courtesy 10^ Common Lore 5 Demolotion 3 Fashion 2 First Aid 10 Flirting 5 Forbidden Lore 2 Gaming 8 Heraldry 3 Hunting 2 Infiltration 8 Intrigue 15^^ Kin Lore 9^++ Medicae 0 Navigate 5 Orate 10^ Perform 3 Recognize 5++ Scholastic Lore 2 Tech-Use 5 Trade 3 Wrangling 2

Combat Skills Battle 15^ Seige 0 Captain 6+++ Skyboard 5 Skimmer 13*^ Jetbike 1 Flyer 0 Voidship 2 ++ Blade 10 Heavy 5 Flexible 2 Spear 5 Brawl 10* Pistol 8 Assault 5 Rifle 15^ Support 8* Gunnery 5

Religious Traits Vengeful, Selfish, Suspicious, Worldly, Indulgent Bonus HEAL +2

Starting Passions Honor 12 Fear (Archon) 15 Loyalty (Kabal) 15 Hospitality 15 Contempt (lessers) 12 Hate (choose one) 12

SIZ 9 DEX 16 STR 8 CON 9 APP: 21

  • raised as special Skill

^raised in the normal way + added a single point

Cruel Demise: When own ranged attack causes Kill, MW, or failed Valor.

derived stats Damage: 3 Major Wound: 9 Stun: 9 Hit Points: 18 Move: 16 Parry: 8

Servants: Old Knights: 1 Middle Age Knights: 0 Young Knights: 6 Others: 11 Levy: 49