The Great Commorragh Campaign Pain

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Power From Pain[edit]

You get 1 Pain token whenever a living target within your HEAL in meters is:

  • Killed (not just reduced below their UNC rating or under 0, they have to actually die)
  • Suffers a Major Wound
  • Fails a Valorous for any reason (most common is to keep fighting after a Major Wound)
  • Is Stunned (ie Knocked down)

Thus it is possible to get up to 3 Pain from a single victim if they take a MW, make their consciousness roll, fail their Valor and are also Stunned by the blow.

Using Pain[edit]

The most basic use of Pain (other than holding back the Thirst seen below) is healing. When a character with Pain Tokens suffers a Major Wound or falls below their Unconsciousness level they immediately lose all Pain Tokens and regain that many hitpoints.

Other abilities are lised below but they must be purchased.

Vile Pleasures[edit]

Your Vile Pleasure modifies this by normally giving you +1 Pain when you get one from one of the above or adds a new category. Sadistic Joy, Bountiful Slaughter and Lingering Dread all are adders. Artful Torment and Cruel Demise give a new category. AT is any damage so this is a good place to use lower damage weapons to drag more agony out of a target. CD increases the range to your full STR+CON in meters.

  • Artful Torment
    • Damage stunned victim
  • Bountiful Slaughter
    • +1 token for kill or MW
  • Cruel Demise
    • Own ranged attack causes Kill, MW, or fal Valor, increase range to Y meters
  • Lingering Dread +
    • 1 token for Fear or Stun
  • Sadistic Joy
    • +1 token for suffering of Ally if not the cause of it

Remember: If you fight in close order among multiple enemies you all get the pain token for their wounds etc.

Other sources of pain exist but they don't evoke the Power From Pain trait, they simply feed The Thirst.

The Display Kill[edit]

More for Wyches but anyone can try. If you Stun an enemy you may make a Perform check.

Crit: +10 Glory, +2 Pain (+1 more for Artful Torment)

Succeed: +5 Glory, +1 Pain (+1 more for Artful Torment)

Fail: you lose the +5/-5 for Stunning.

Fumble: lose +5/-5 from Stun and you can't cause damage this turn but do not get the bonus fro Fighting Defensively.

Enhanced power from Pain[edit]

You may buy these abilities by spending Bonus Points from earning Glory.

  • Might
    • Increase STR by current pain tokens
  • Grace
    • Increase DEX by current pain tokens
  • Beauty
    • Increase APP by current pain tokens
  • Resilience
    • Increase CON by current pain tokens
  • Vigor
    • When gaining Pain tokens regain HP = HEAL (no more than 1/round)
  • Majesty
    • Become Fearsome (opponents must make a Valorous test to face you in melee)
  • Fury
    • Add Pain tokens to DMG and half that number to combat skills when charging.
  • Speed
    • Increase MOV by current pain tokens
  • Fortitude
    • Increase KD by current pain tokens
  • Vile Pleasure
    • Gain an additional Vile Pleasure from the list above.

Stat increases can also modify derived stats.

The Thirst[edit]

I'mg going with the Age mechanics here and folding the 40k Corruption rating into it. The DE will have to make a lot of Age rolls. Every year they make one as if they are over 35. There is an average loss of .93 points in your stats each year this way but you don't actually suffer from them most of the time. So long as you have enough income you basically ignore the thirst. It costs 1L per lost stat point to keep up with it. There will be manorial upgrades that can mitigate this as well.

You also have to make an Aging roll after each raid into realspace. In this case your excess Pain tokens can protect you. Every 5 tokens negates 1 point of stat loss. When you are killed the Haemonculus requires part of your souls as payment. This automatically increases your Corruption by 1 without rolling.

Not part of the thirst but related is stat loss from Major Wounds. Unlike in Pendragon this can be cured. It takes a Medicae roll and additional recovery time. This means you need a Haemonculus though and they require payment. You can either pay it a retainer fee of 10L each year (yes its expensive) or you can try to barter on the spot, but do you really want to owe a favor to an Ancient? Additionally when you (or any other DE) die in battle we will use the Ransom rules to see how much it costs you to have someone bring you back to be revived. Your own NPC followers work for a reduced rate (subtract their Fear (you) passion from the amount) and you can tax the people of your turf for half the final cost without increasing their Hate.