The Iron Sheik

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Manager 1, Technical Superstar 9

Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 6’0”, 262 pounds; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 14; Reputation: +8; Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 10 (+0), Con 14 (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 14 (+2); Endurance: 140; Trauma: 14; Base Attack Bonus: +9; Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +8; Training Background: Mat Wrestling

Skills: Concentration +12 [Ranks: +10, Con Mod: +2, Synergy: +0]

Knowledge (Power Maneuvers) +13 [Ranks: +8, Int Mod: +3, Synergy: +0, Learned: +2]

Knowledge (Technical Maneuvers) +18 [Ranks: +12, Int Mod: +3, Synergy: +0, Learned +2, Training Background Skill: +1]

Knowledge (Roster) +8 [Ranks: +5, Int Mod: +3, Synergy: +0]

Perform (Promo) +6 [Ranks: +4, Cha Mod: +2, Synergy: +0]

Perform (Vignette) +6 [Ranks: +4, Cha Mod: +2, Synergy: +0]

Profession (Greco Wrestling Coach) +8 [Ranks: +8, Wis Mod: +0, Synergy: +0]

Sleight of Hand +4 [Ranks: +4, Dex Mod: +0, Synergy: +0]

Spot +5 [Ranks: +5, Wis Mod: +0, Synergy: +0]

Treat Injury +11 [Ranks: +10, Wis Mod: +0, Synergy: +0, Training Background Skill: +1]

Feats: Iron Will, Learned (Power Maneuvers, Technical Maneuvers), Leverage, Low Center of Gravity, Moveset, Maneuvers Focus (Technical Maneuvers), Maneuvers Specialization (Technical Maneuvers), Master of the Hold (Camel Clutch), Power Maneuvers Proficiency, Renown, Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Technical Maneuvers Proficiency

Talents: 10000 Holds, Entering the Stratosphere, Intensity-Integrity-Intelligence, Interference, Instinct, Mat Technician, Textbook

Moveset: Belly-to-Back Suplex (technical maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, Moveset bonus, +0 on maneuver check)

Belly-to-Belly Suplex (power maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, Moveset bonus, +0 on maneuver check)

Vertical Suplex (power maneuver, 1d6 damage, requires lift check, prone self, Moveset bonus, +3 on maneuver check)

Finishing Maneuver: Camel Clutch (power/technical maneuver, 2d6 damage, submission, prone target, -2 on maneuver check)

Biographical Links[edit]

OWW Profile

Wikipedia Profile