The Jedi Knights

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Joseph Sinclair Kyle Blackblade[edit]

Male Human Jedi 12, Jedi Master 4

Personality: Joseph is a smooth talker, quick thinker and a fountain of wisdom. Despite the fact most of everything he says can be found on a fortune cookie (and most likely was at one point) his words always seem to have a way of reaching a profound cord in someone. People who listen to Joseph often aren't sure if they're being cheated or being motivated. Either way Joseph is an ultimately altruistic man with some selfish tendencies. Often times he puts up the mantle of a wisecracking laid back jerk who talks out his butt. But ever so often a hint of his real nature shows and inside people find a deep, serious and somewhat ruthless persona who will not hesitate to punish evil.

What your Character knows: Joseph is the only surviving Jedi master. A smart, wise and ultimately grand leader. Joseph is most famous for killing the dreaded Dark Siber. Ultimately his goal is to revive the Jedi order and instigate a new galaxy under his protection. However you aren't sure what motivates him to do so...

Lightsaber Color: Joseph's Lightsaber is a brilliant white color.


Male Human Jedi 7, Jedi Knight 3

Personality: Rob is good at heart though he's ultimately a bit on the wilder side of the Force. Rob is a daring and powerful fighter with a penchant for showing his skills and taunting his opponents before battling them. He is ultimately a good listener and a careful mind but he tends to get ahead of himself too easily and can jump into the fray of battle without provocation. Especially if his opponent is a sith which he seems to loath with an utter passion.

What your Character knows: Rob is the dark jedi hunter of the group. He possess the power to sense the dark side and is especially adept at fighting it. His penchant for battle with the Dark Side knows no bounds and rarely, if ever, would he give a dark jedi mercy. Rob has no last name, that you are aware of, and while it's a safe bet to assume his name is simply short for "Robert" he hasn't given any clarification on it.

Lightsaber Color: Rob's lightsaber is a simple blue.


Male Human Noble 5, Jedi 5

Personality: Gilgamesh is pretty much the only Jedi who was tricked into being there by master Joseph. Displaying that you do not mess with the master. Gilgamesh is apparently kept around despite his nagging that "he is strong and powerful in the force" and that he "has a greater destiny". Overall Gilgamesh is pretty much helpless against Master Joseph's constant prodding and his own damn conscience on the matter. He knows of the suffering in the galaxy and when a woman is being thrown out on the street to be mercilessly beat by a group of sith guard. No matter how much trouble it'll cause him he'll ultimately save her despite his colder judgment.

What your Character knows: Gilgamesh is the son of a noble family on Dantooine. His family is wealthy and has connections, as such he can typically buy whatever he wants though he doesn't make much use of it. Gilgamesh is handsome, rich and a generally good soul. Which would make him a bag for any woman if he didn't seem interested in any women. Mostly because being seductive just plain doesn't work on Gilgamesh. No matter how profound your hips or cleavage is, he'll still brush you off like a dust mite. As such there are many rumors wondering whether or not he's gay.

Lightsaber Color: Gilgamesh wields two light sabers. Both are a brilliant shimmering gold color that ultimately just look yellow.


Male Trandoshan Soldier 6 Jedi 3

Personality: Reserved, quiet and passive. Varash is the gentle giant of the group. He has a devote loyalty to Joseph and his cause but ultimately lacks much of the resolve that Rob or Gil have when it comes to what should be done. Rob is all for attacking the Sith in full force while Gil just wants this part of his life to be done. Varash makes for a good counterbalance as his fearful and intimidating aura is ultimately offset by his better understanding of the fragility of life. Behind his kind persona is a dreadful beast however and he will defend his friends vigorously.

What your Character knows: Varash was a deadly bounty hunter on the open market. Selling his services to anyone... then one day he up and quit. Wasn't heard from for years and has only now just returned to the public eye next to Joseph as his right hand man. He has apparently begun Jedi training and is already learning of his connection to the force. Varash is a studious bookworm and enjoys fantasy novels to a great degree.

Lightsaber Color: Though Rob doesn't approve (as it is the traditional color of the Sith) Varash's lightsaber is red in color and he defends using that color as his lightsaber as he claims that the sith hold no sway over the spectrum of light and it's applicability. Joseph has reminded Rob that a red lightsaber is in no way more toward the dark side as a blue or green one and though Rob has accepted that he has made it a point of argument when he disagreed with Varash.

Knights Of The Old Republic III