The Last Ambassador:The Mandela
Name: USS Mandela
Spaceframe: Ambassador Class
Traits: Federation Starship, Long-Serving
Engines: 10; Computers: 10; Weapons: 9 Structure: 11; Sensors: 10; Communications: 9
Command: 3; Security: 2; Science: 3 Conn: 3; Engineering: 2; Medicine: 2
High Resolution Sensors (Any successful Task aided by the Ship's Sensors generates one bonus Momentum)
Improved Impulse Drive (When the flight controller succeeds at the Impulse, Attack Pattern, Evasive Action, or Ramming Speed Tasks, they may spend 2 Momentum to increase the Difficulty of attacks against the ship by 1 until the start of the flight controller’s next Turn, due to the ship’s rapid acceleration.)
Saucer Separation
Rugged Design (Reduce the Difficulty of Tasks to repair the Ship by one, to a minimum of 1)
Improved Damage Control (When a character takes the Damage Control Task aboard this ship, they may re-roll a single d20. If the repairs require an Extended Task, then the characters also gain Progression 1, adding +1 to Work done for each Effect rolled.)