The Marked:Main Page

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After an unusual dream / meeting / fantasy, several people find themselves marked by a blue disc of some unknown substance on the wrist of their off hand. From that moment on, they possess powers and abilities they did not have before, and find themselves the defenders of the Free City of Carosse, against both human, non human and super human enemies.


The Free City of Carosse sits on the Kyren River, where it meets the Greyflow. This location makes it wealthy, and so it has enemies. For the last twenty years, the Doge Council has kept the City safe by playing the enemies against each other. There are those who question just how long this can go on.

A city of something like 60,000 people, Carosse is supported by nearby farms and such, as well as trade with the Elven folk of the Bitter Forest, who also provide a sort of defense, as few are arrogant enough to take an army into there.

Carosse holds mostly trade factories, but there are a few manufactories as well, mostly textile, weaving the wool of the Kyren Sheep. Wool from the rams is especially cared for, as the Church of Elassen will allow no frock to be made for its priests by wool from ewes. The people of Carosse have little love for that Church, but it is large elsewhere, and wealthy, so they will happily export that wool.

There is a larger wall force than most cities its size could support, some seven hundred men or so, but their primary duties are to watch for travelers and take the tolls at the gates for any non-citizens. Should war come to Carosse, they will surely not be sufficient.

The Protectors[edit]


Part One: The Gathering[edit]

Part Two: The First Ones[edit]

Part Three: Gods and Monsters[edit]

Part Four: Unlife itself[edit]