The Mountain That Burned Saki

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Personal Information[edit]

  • Name: Saki (Real name Hanayama Himeko
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Concept: Armour Hunter

The Great Wheel[edit]

  • Archetypes: Former Armour Pilot, Armour Hunter, Mercenary
  • Karma: 73
  • Attribute Cost: 1

Aiki 3 Kiai 4


  • Emotion: Hate Yoroi Armours 3
  • Emotion: Look up to the Strong 2


  • Body: 7
  • Agility: 8
  • Senses: 6
  • Knowledge: 3
  • Spirit: 5
  • Empathy: 6
  • Station: 4
  • Vitality: 12/
  • Soul: 16/
  • Light Wounds [+0]: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • Heavy Wounds [+1]: [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • Critical Wounds [+2, Bleed]: [ ][ ]
  • Dead [+3]: [ ]



  • Unarmed Combat: 1


  • Movement: 3
  • Stealth: 1
  • Evasion: 1
  • Melee Weapons: 4


  • First Aid: 1
  • Notice: 1
  • Marksman: 3
  • Pursuit: 1


  • Information: 3


  • Willpower: 1
  • Interface: 3


  • Pillow Arts: 1


  • Art of Rule: 2


  • Equipment: A merciless sword nearly as big as you, worn breastplate with faded clan symbol, 15 additional soulgems
  • Weapons:
  • ZAKT-8 Ultimate Edge +6 (Rating) 9 (RoF) — (Range) 8 (Ammo)
  • Shortsword +2 (Rating)


A young women with old looking eyes, her hair is kept short as befits a fighter. She wears simply clothes that have seen a lot of patching.


Saki was the eldest daughter of a Feudal lord, when she came of age she piloted the families armour to protect their lands and bring honour to her family. But to her protecting her younger sister was far more important than that.

Yet the day came when she became to old to use the armour and it rejected her and it was her sisters turn to pilot the armour. On that day Saki vowed that she would find a way to protect her families lands herself and spare her sister the horrors of the battlefield and war.

She left her family behind and learned a brutal fighting technique that would allow her to fight armours herself. Now she can only watch her sister from a distance.

Since the Saki has signed up with a mercenary unit and learned the techniques to bring down armour with her own hands. She feels a deep buring hatred of the Armours and the pain they inflict on those forced to pilot them, she feels a deep satisfaction at each she brings down although she always tries her best to not kill the pilots if possible.