The New Disasters: The Delinquent

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  • Alias: Trigger
  • Former Alias:Mr Grieves/0013
  • Name: Eleni Stamkou


* Woman 
* Greek 
* Jaded Eyes
* Rebellious Clothing
* Skimpy Costume


  • Emotion Control
  • Teleportation


Danger Freak Savior Superior Mundane
Starting 0 0 -1 +3 +1
Current +1 +1 -1 +2 0

Delinquent Moves:[edit]

Criminal Mind: When you assess the situation, you can always ask one of the following questions, even on a miss:

  • - what here is useful or valuable to me?
  • - how could I best infuriate or provoke ____________?
  • - what’s the best way in/way past?

Are you watching closely?: When you mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll + Superior. On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose two.

  • - you get an opportunity
  • - you expose a weakness or flaw
  • - you confuse them for some time
  • - you avoid further entanglement

On a miss, you’re hopelessly embroiled in it and under pressure; mark a condition.

Troublemaker: When you help a teammate through destructive, criminal, or rule-breaking actions, you can give them a +2 instead of a +1 when you spend a Team from the pool.


• How did you get your powers?

Eleni was one of the few survivors of the G.R.I.E.V.E.S (Genetic Reinforced Infiltration Execution Vigilance Extraction Surveillance) project. If you're wealthy enough and you have a problem that can't be solved through legal channels you call Mr Grieves. Mr Grieves has an excellent reputation for getting things done and making problems disappear for the right price. It's an ever-changing marketplace out there and new clients have new needs. Although the original Mr Grieves came allegedly from a volunteer pool new test subjects for advanced strains of the Grieves formula were needed. Teenagers made great materials there bodies already undergoing changes they were more receptive to the process. These teens were farmed from the dispossessed, disenfranchised those unlikely to be missed. Each subject's flesh was branded with their number. Twelve potentials lost their lives but Eleni was just too stubborn to die. She didn't sit well with orientation her handlers already highlighted her as a potential trouble maker. However, the asset had a lot of money invested in her creation so they did what they could to keep her in line.

• What do you do for fun?

• Who, outside the team, thinks better of you than you do?

Arctic Xtreme from the now disbanded super-teens team The Impulsive's.They clashed with Mr Grieves and other Mr Grieves's. She took pity on Eleni offered her a way out of this enforced life of villainy she was certain that this wasn't her and she could be so much more. She cashed in a favour from a friend in the community and she was placed with the other teens. (Maybe this could be through Hellion's Mentor perhaps)

• Why do you try to be a hero?

I got given these awesome powers right. I was made to do all these terrible things, hung with the wrong crowd. So people have already made their minds up about me think they have me figured out. Well, just you wait I'm going to prove them so wrong.

• Why do you care about the team?

On more than one occasion I've been a complete **** to them all. It's just my way okay. I got dumped on them wasn't like I was recruited or anything wasn't there choice but here I am. Some of them have had it rough I listened to their stories and I'm almost lucky by comparison. The thing is I know these clowns got my back and that's important.

When Our Team First Came Together:[edit]


You keep trying to impress Copycat with your antics.

You and Melody pulled an awesome (if illegal) stunt together.


You care way more than you let on. Give three teammates Influence over you. Seed, Hellion and Copycat


  • Afraid -2


4 Marked