The Peony Chronicles:Scorpion

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Scorpion Families[edit]

This page contains notes on Scorpion NPCs for the The Peony Chronicles campaign.

Bayushi Tamoru[edit]

The Clan Champion and daimyo of the Bayushi family, Tamoru is a handsome and charming man who attained his title about 13 years ago. In that time, it is said he has ruined the reputations of at least 40 of his enemies, and has the ability to destroy even more.

Shosuro Hido[edit]

The daimyo of the Shosuro family, Hido is known as "The Spider" because of the webs he weaves throughout the empire. The uncle of the late Empress Amika, Hido is often believed to be the true power behind the Scorpion throne. He is thought to be somewhere in his 40s or 50s, but has not been seen in public for years. None of the Kitsuki or Unicorn investigators who have attempted to discover links between Hido and organized crime in Rokugan have been able to find any evidence. Many have lost their lives in the attempt to do so.

Bayushi Tenmaku[edit]

A competitor at the Topaz Tournament.

Shosuro Morito[edit]

A competitor at the Topaz Tournament.

Bayushi Mioko[edit]

A competitor at the Topaz Tournament.