The Raven III
Michael Corvis born Michael Summers (Aka: The Blackbird) Didnt you hear me Knocking?
Born to Callie Summers and the Magpie Michael was conceived as a child of love if not wedlock. The couple weer together for a breif time but the magpies wandering eye and criminal ways vrses Callies Raven person as a crime fighter well eventualy the couple just fell apart. Michael was taken away by his Father who felt that Callie was snubing him as revenge he decide he would raise there child to be like him a catburgler extrodinare! Callie never gave up hope that she would find her son though all her search left her empty handed. She built a special computer called "Rook" within the rookery based on technology barrowed from Dr. Atom She created a composit of her own personality and memorys as a guide and friend a serogate mother for her child should she come to some unfortunate end before they reunited. As a hobby she developed and built a raven suit for him using her hitech skills, She was worried that shound Dr. Sin return she might not live to warn her son of there familys bitter enamy... his own great grandfather. But the golden age endured untill one night something happened and Callie Summer was killed while on routine patrol as the Raven. But she was not cuaght off guard she was traped and killed in the rising tide of new crime slinking into Freedom City. magpie brought his son to freedom city and took him to the funeral to morn. he felt a suden guilt that he had let petty feeling over a decade old keep his son from having known his mother, Michael at age 18 was allready an acomplished theif world reknowed as the magpies heir. His father showed him the Rookery and their Michael found Rook who begain to aquaint him with his mother. Rook beleives Callie was murdered by more then Common Criminals that a new arch villian or as satistics alarmingly suggest more then one that the age of villians of Super Villians is returning. Michael began imediately seeking to avenge his mother sherking the training Rook offered him he put on the Raven suit and hit the streets to solve his mothers murder.. Only to discover what Rook suspected there criminals weer tougher and more organized some tide of darkness was changing beaten and battered he retreated to his fathers home.. There reather then lecture the youth Magpie salutd his heroic effort but admonished him if he was going to do something he ought to do it right. It was at this time Magpie revealed his own secret power of Teleportation. over the next few weeks Michael worked with his father as they tried to discover if he had inherited this ability.. what they found was not only had he gained his fathers gift but that it had grown and changed within him making him a master of darkness able to step through shadow. Michael now The Raven has spent the last year exploring his powers and training with Rook. he desperately beleives that A new wave of crime is comming he has tried to warn authoritys but peace and prosperity has fatted them and made them blind to the comming crisis. the 19 year old Super heroe finding that his age and newness to his role are acting aginst him has decided to try and asemble a super team like those of Old a "Freedom league" For the future. he has begun his search for heros as he beleives that even as the tide of darkness turns an answering light will arise like a SUNFLOWER to shine agAinst the darkness.
And he intends to lead that light into the next age of freedom City!