The Renegades: The Doomed
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Magnetar is the "son" of Chazan Zadra, Supreme Oracle of the Circle of the Frozen Star, a cult dedicated to the accumulation of forbidden knowledge. He was created as a weapon to intimidate and destroy the Circle's enemies, though Zadra did use one of her own egg cells in his creation. Sometimes taken aback by his mother's ruthlessness, he nevertheless served her faithfully in the way only a dutiful son can, until he made a grim discovery. The dark science that had given him life would also take it; eventually his powers would grow beyond his control and form a singularity, destroying him and everything in a two light-year radius. Worse, Chazan Zadra knew about this, and was planning to use it to the most advantageous effect in furthering the Circle's power and influence. Magnetar made a vow; he would escape the Circle, foil his mother's plans and hopefully find redemption before his time ran out.
Was Chazan Zadra a good mother until her secret was revealed? Did you feel respected? Honored? Loved? What did it feel like when the truth came to light?
She loves him, or at least she does insomuch as someone like her is capable of that. Their relationship is complex. Warmth and affection were always fleeting, but she was the one who educated Magnetar, instructed him in the use of his powers, and told him of the great part he was to play in the cult's history. He was never so naive to think that she created him solely to experience the joys of motherhood, but as the only parent he had, he still sought her approval. She calls him son and he calls her Mother; to everyone else in the cult she's either Lady Zadra or Supreme Oracle. It's telling though that he himself is only ever Magnetar, never Magnetar Zadra. In spite of everything, what he felt most on discovering his doom was betrayal. Magnetar knew full well that Chazan Zadra wasn't like most mothers, but he never thought of himself as just another pawn until that moment.
Magnetar has used his powers to face the Circle of the Frozen Star's enemies. What enemy has sworn vengeance against him personally? What did you do to them?
The first time he was deployed in the field, Magnetar's assignment was to raid the ancient vault of the Seers of Eternity, a clan of mystics who have recorded prophecy since time immemorial. He cracked it like an egg, claimed its store of knowledge for the Frozen Star, and at his mother's order, reduced the Eternal Temple to rubble. One Seer survived, and having foreseen Magnetar's doom, wishes for nothing more than to bring it about.
How did Magnetar learn the truth?
He first began to suspect something was amiss when he would feel his power surge within him whenever he overexerted himself. His mother told him this was simply the result of him becoming stronger, but doubt continued to gnaw at him. He attempted to broach the subject to other members of the cult, but if any of them knew anything, they were too frightened of either him or his mother to say anything. Then one day Magnetar received an anonymous communique that showed him where to find his mother's notes on his creation. The flaw in the process that would lead to his destruction was unintentional, but ever the pragmatist, Chazan Zadra was willing to make use of it.
Abilities: Magnetar is a high-level telekinetic, powerful enough that he can even create constructs of pure psionic force. He also possesses superhuman strength and speed.
Labels | Rating |
Danger | +2 |
Freak | +1 |
Saviour | +1 |
Superior | -1 |
Mundane | 0 |
[ ] Afraid (-2 to Directly Engage a Threat)
[ ] Angry (-2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask)
[ ] Guilty (-2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation)
[ ] Hopeless (-2 to Unleash Your Powers)
[ ] Insecure (-2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence)
Team Moves[edit]
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, give them Influence over you and spend a Team from the pool to clear one box on your doom track.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, give them Influence over you and ask if they honestly think there’s hope for you. If they say yes, mark potential or clear one box of your doom track. If they say no, mark a condition or mark your doom track.
During times of immense physical or emotional stress, Magnetar's powers well up. He marks his Doom Track whenever he overexerts himself or frightens loved ones.
Doom Track: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Burning Bright: Mark your doom track to ignore one of the GM’s stated requirements when you call upon the resources of your sanctuary.
A small pocket dimension containing a library of valuable tomes, a meditation space and healing equipment. Unfortunately, it's difficult to access, requiring Magnetar to clear his mind and reach out with his consciousness to open it; not something he can do in the middle of a firefight. The other drawback is that it draws dangerous attention; his mother taught him how to enter this dimension and she can tell when he's accessing it.
- You told Omen all about your doom and the danger you’re in.
- You’d love to kiss Abyssa before your doom comes.
Who has Influence over me...
- Lyu
- Samra
Potential: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
- [ ] Take a move from another playbook
- [ ] Take a move from another playbook
- [ ] Take a move from another playbook
- [ ] Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label
- [ ] Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label
- [ ] Unlock your Moment of Truth
- [ ] Clear a doomsign; you lose access to that move for now
- [ ] Get burn and three flares (from the Nova’s playbook)
When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
- [ ] Unlock your Moment of Truth after you’ve used it once
- [ ] Confront your doom on your terms; if you survive, change playbooks
- [ ] Take an adult move
- [ ] Take an adult move
- [ ] Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
- [ ] Become a paragon of the galaxy for however long you have left