The Rook - Cry Havoc

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This is the wiki for the Fate Core game The Rook, run by witamous.

Dramatis Personae[edit]

Aspect Matrix[edit]

Name High Concept Trouble First Adventure Guest Star Guest Star
Trevor Mackenzie Gravitationally-Enhanced Thug The Man I Was Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean... Peace Through Superior Firepower Loyalty on the Line
Eric Haffabee I am "the" mystical cat burglar Why are they making me do all this combat nonsense? First Adventure Guest Star Guest Star
Amy McCracken Unsociable nerd who can fluently read the Narrative of the Universe Reading's far more interesting than all that tedious spy-stuff Nothing surprises me Guest Star Guest Star
Stella Anything You Can Do, I Can Do As Well! There’s Not Enough Room for Everything The Daughter He Never Wanted I Don't Think I Would Like The Old Me Unreliable Repository of Random Data
Gabriel Hale The Queen's Pawn On the Center File Haunted By the Past Beware the En Passant Dodging the Knight
Leon Harper Hypercognitive Former Wunderkid Over-protective of kids First Adventure Guest Star Guest Star

Skill Matrix[edit]

Name Skills
Trevor Mackenzie Great (+4): Physique

Good (+3): Fighting, Notice

Fair (+2): Shooting, Athletics, Will

Average (+1): Contacts, Resources, Empathy, Lore

Eric Haffabee Great (+4): Will

Good (+3): Stealth,Burglary

Fair (+2): Investigation,Notice,Lore

Average (+1): Shooting,Fighting,Deceit,Athletics

Amy McCracken Great (+4): Lore

Good (+3): Investigate, Notice

Fair (+2): Stealth, Burglary, Will

Average (+1): Athletics, Deceit, Drive, Shooting

Stella Great (+4): Investigation

Good (+3): Fighting, Athletics

Fair (+2): Shooting, Burglary, Stealth

Average (+1): Physique, Drive, Will, Deceit

Gabriel Hale Great (+4): Investigation

Good (+3): Notice, Will

Fair (+2): Burglary, Deceit, Empathy

Average (+1): Athletics, Contacts, Lore, Stealth

Leon Harper Great (+4): Rapport

Good (+3): Notice, Empathy

Fair (+2): Drive, () ()

Average (+1) () () () ()