The Salvage of the Kaine/Gear

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For in-ship combat flechette weapons are normally used to avoid catastrophic damage to hull or vital equipment.

Ranged Weapons dmg range wgt AP Cost Notes
Flechette Carbine 2d6 20/40/80 1 0 100 +2 damage vs unarmoured targets
Flechette Pistol 2d4 12/24/48 0.5 0 50 +2 damage vs unarmoured targets
Stun Gun - 6/12/24 1 0 150 special
Cutting Laser 3d6 1/2/4 4 6 150 Laser, can’t move and fire

Laser: Range penalties apply to damage as well, range is doubled outside of Atmosphere

Stun Gun: Enemies hit by the Stun Gun must make a Vigor roll (at -2 if you hit with a raise) or become Stunned.

Space suits[edit]

Type bonus wgt cost Notes
Basic Suit 1 1 100 Air d6
EVA Suit 2 3 250 Air d8, Jets d8
Combat Suit 3 3 300 Air d8, Hardy
all suits are vacuum-sealed, and come with head-mounted flashlights

Air: Every hour, roll this die. On a 1, reduce it by a die type. If it would be reduced below d4 set it to d1, and it will automatically run out the next time you would roll it. Stressful activity, such as a combat encounter, forces you to roll Air at the end of it. If you suffer a Wound while in your suit, reduce your Air by a die-type. A successful Repair roll can reverse the loss of Air, but only Air lost to Wounds.

Jets: Suits with Jets can choose to fly up to double Pace while in zero gravity. Doing so requires a Piloting roll. On a failure gain the Drifting condition. Every time the jets are used, roll the Jets die and reduce it by a die type if you roll a 1. If it would be reduced below d4 set it to d1, and it automatically runs out the next time you use the jets.

Flashlights: Ignore darkness penalties, so long as you’re looking at the object you’re interacting with. You still suffer half the normal illumination penalties when trying to Notice objects or enemies, as only the area directly in front of you is illuminated.

Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a Wound.

Suit Modifications wgt Cost Effect
Extra Thrusters 0.5 50 Adds Jets d4, or increases Jets by one die type
\- Cutting Edge 1 150 Using Jets grants a +1 bonus to Athletics rolls, +1 to jet-related Piloting rolls.
Air Tank 0.5 50 Increases Air by one die type
Darkvision 0 50 Ignore up to 4 points of Illumination penalties
Self-Sealing 0.5 100 When Wounded, instead of losing a level of Air you are only forced to roll Air.
Gecko Boots 0.5 50 Allow the user to walk on any surface in zero-g, acting as if they were walking on the ground.


Tools and More wgt Cost Effect
Modular Repair Kit 0.5 100 Tools needed for Repair/Electronics rolls
\- Cutting Edge 0.5 200 Grants a +1 bonus to Repair/Electronics rolls
Integration Rig 0.5 100 Syncs with a ship’s computers, allowing you to Hack any system without physically connecting to the ship
\- Cutting Edge 0.5 200 Grants a +1 bonus to Hacking rolls.
Library Codex 0.5 50 A collection of ten-thousands of books, in a usb the size of your finger. +1 to Academics and Science rolls.
Medical Kit 1 100 Everything you need for Healing rolls.
\- Cutting Edge 1 200 +1 bonus to Healing rolls, can roll at -2 to Heal as a single action