The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Irish Rose Medico A Mystery

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Hospital, Police Admit Ignorance
The Detroit Evening TImes has confirmed that at least one of the shadowy “doctors” prents at the Irish Rose murder was a fraud! The “doctor,” DeWitt Ecker, was falsely identified as a staff physician at beleagured hospital Herman Kiefer, but further investigation by this paper revealed that he was unknown not ONLY to hospital staff, but also to city and state licensing agencies! “Docter” Ecker is, in fact, no such thing! That a perfect stranger was admitted to an active crime scene by police is, sadly, of a piece with the high standards of criminological excellence that Detroit citizens have come to expect from their boys in blue.
The Detroit Police Department has declined to comment at this time, but insists that their investigation is “ongoing.” They have no clues as to the identity or motives of “Doctor” Ecker or his sinister companion, known only as “Obediah.” Any citizens with any information to furnish should contact Frank Lovejoy, Box 13, care of this paper.
Originally published August 6, 1932