The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Letter10

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Dear Sir (I know this is the wrong method of address, so forgive my attempts at caution),

It feels odd to send this via 'Courier', given what I am going to say, but I'm not sure how else to do this. I'll try to be circumspect in my description of events, though I do not have a poet's facility with words (nor a spies), so I apologize if things are either unclear or too clear. I'm contacting you concerning recent events in the midwestern US, which may interest you. I had never really experienced the Inhuman savagery of those with the Condition, and now I'm concerned that I'm in over my head. My allies ruthlessly slaughtered a number of unarmed, defenseless humans, including several who had surrendered (after being told to do so). Although my performance during this encounter was shameful (I panicked and stood idly by while the slaughter commenced), one of my human allies managed to keep some people alive to take as prisoners.

One of these prisoners indicated that the work that was being done was known to you, albeit not commissioned by you. Since I favor a gentle interrogation method, some of the details are not known to me, and I'm not sure who they were directly working for.

Now, I mention all of this to you, since I know that you are working on creating a serum from the medical journal I gave you that would enable (indeed require) the afflicted to cease the consumption of blood. I believe this would make them more docile and, hence, more amenable to reason.

Although I could not see any plausible method for freeing any of the prisoners, we did manage to acquire some of their research papers. I am ill-equipped to understand the technical nature of the papers, but I figured your researchers might find them useful in your endeavors.

If this is something you might be interested in, let me know, and I'll see if I can find a means to deliver some of the information to you (those papers I was able to copy or 'misplace' without attracting suspicion), preferably via some other mechanism than this Courier system.

I am eager to see your project succeed, for the friend I've mentioned previously as well as for myself (and the position in which I've placed myself), and for the peace it may bring to the savage afflicted.


A guy in Detroit