The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Letter15

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Ms. Flynn,

I have news regarding the estate of the late Maturin de Bonnevault. I met with Ms. Meridon Caine. She indicated that de Bonnevault was one of the rare members of the Enclave who actually filed papers with her. These papers included a will.

She was not at liberty to divulge too many details, but she did indicate that you, Mr. Huber, and others of de Bonnevault's Household are included in the will and that the amount is substantial enough that it should eliminate any financial difficulties you all may be experiencing.

I am leaving for Europe soon, so any further inquiries should be directed to Ms. Caine at:

1818 Broadway
Tischer Building, 3rd Floor
New York, New York

It is my understanding that all you should need to do is make an appointment with Ms. Caine and then come down to New York to allow her to ascertain your identity.


Victor Grayson