The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Letter18

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Greetings, Ms. Rhyner,

I'm guessing this letter will arrive too late to do any good, but I am in dire need of advice. At the moment, we are all in Russia staying at the residence of Boyar Rulianov.

I feel like I am in over my head. I am not sure about the facts, and I am not sure who I can trust. I have only limited confidence in my companions. I obviously don't trust Rulianov. I don't know enough about what is really going on to ascertain whether people are telling me the truth or not. As you know, due to Gregory Parkhurst, I have certain doubts about the Seelie as a whole. Events in KC (and even speaking with Adela, Candide, and JT recently) indicates a certain ruthlessness that makes me uncomfortable. That being said, I think I can trust you. You have always dealt with me fairly, and I do not perceive you to be a person motivated in any part by malice.

It is my understanding that Rulianov has done you a great deal of harm in the past. Does he, as JT, Candide, and Adela would say, 'deserve death'? If he does deserve death, do you think (if I were somehow able) that I should mete it out to him? Does the fact that he has subsequently been (willingly) 'possessed' and overcome by an Elder change anything?

We have recently been told of a plot against him (to deliver him as a prisoner to the Seelie Court). It should be noted that the information may be false, as it is the Tsarina Ineska who informed us of her plans to act against him. From what I know, this would almost certainly result in his death. The Seelie would call this justice. Perhaps this is so. I believe that as a matter of mercy, as his guests, and for practical reasons we should warn him of this danger. It is my belief that if we do not intervene (and the plot is real), we would be complicit in his murder.

I should note that all of those who travel with me (save Lila) think that I am a fool for wanting to warn Rulianov. I have agreed to hold off for the time being, even though I believe it to be a mistake.

Even though it is probably too late, I would greatly appreciate any advice you might be able to give me in this situation. Above all, I want to do what is right. I'm just not entirely sure what that is.


Victor Grayson