The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Saloonkeeper Slain As Gang War Erupts

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Detroit Evening Times article from August 5, 1932


Embattled Hospital Herman Kiefer Involved?

Daniel Macklin, owner of speakeasy The Irish Rose, was killed early last evening in what is apparently the opening salvo of a new gang war between Detroit interests and rivals from the East. Mr. Macklin was found in the parlor of the Rose in the most horrid murder seen in this city since 1882. Details of his death are too disturbing to describe in the pages of a family paper, but nothing in this reporter’s long career could have prepared him for that awful scene, a gore-soaked affair straight out of the fevered dreams of the most lurid pre-Hayes screenwriter. Doctors Obediah and DeWitt, identified by a detective on the scene as staff from the Herman Kiefer Hospital, were on hand to provide a medical opinion, as they were conveniently passing through the heart of the city’s shame, that collection of illegal watering holes and “dance” clubs that has festered for years despite the best efforts of the Detroit Police Department.

Detective McShayne of the DPD was in charge of the initial investigation, and was unwilling to comment publicly on the possible motive or identity of the killers, but admitted that a battle between rival bootlegging organizations WAS possible. According to source who wished to remain anonymous, the notorious Purple Gang has been meeting with gang leaders from outside Detroit for purposes unknown. Have talks broken down? Was Mr. Macklin’s death an opening salvo in a new gang war? How will the city deal with a fresh wave of violence, still reeling as it is from last summer’s tidal wave of blood?

The police, demonstrating their wonted perspicacity, have been unable to find anyone in the busy district who saw or heard anything that would shed light on this tragedy. If you, or anyone you know, have any information that would lead to a quick end to what is sure to develop into an autumn of terror, contact Frank Lovejoy, Box 13, care of the Detroit Evening Times.

Published August 5, 1932