The Vorpal Sword Went Snicker Snack Avarice

Character Sheet[edit]
- BOD: 4
- AGI: 4
- REA: 5
- STR: 3
- CHA: 5
- INT: 6
- LOG: 5
- WIL: 5
- EDG: 6
- Black Market Pipeline - Wares 10 (discounts/better sale prices on illegal wares)
- Gearhead (Flyer) 10 (+1 to pilot Flyers)
- Lightning Reflexes 15 (+2 reaction)
- Guts 5 (+2 vs fear)
- School of Hard Knocks 5 (+1 to Street Knowledges)
- Linguist 5 (+2 to all language skills)
- Enemy 3 -15 (Marshall Judea, Adeptus Arbites)
- Addiction, Mild -5 (White Void)
- Criminal -10 (means you are on file with the Arbites)
- Vendetta -5 (the Marshall, see above)
- Distinctive Style -5 (dresses all in red)
- Bad Rep -5 (vicious gang leader)
Contacts (Connections/Loyalty)[edit]
- Cold Trade Fixer 4/2
- Chartist Smuggler 4/3
- Freelance Assassin 3/4
- Firearms 4
- Pistols 5 (SP +2)
- Close Combat Group 3
- Dodge 6 (ranged combat +2)
- Heavy Weapons 2 (Machine Guns +2)
- Thrown weapons 4 (Lobbed/grenade +2)
- Influence Group 5
- Etiquette 6 (Hive Gangs +2)
- Intimidation 6 (Mental +2)
- Gunnery 5 (SP +2)
- Flyer 6 (Small craft +2)
- Ground 5 (Bike +2)
- Skimmer 5 (Vectored Thrust +2)
- Stealth Group 4
- Athletics Group 3
- Outdoors Group 3
- Escape Artist 4
- Perception 6
- Electronics Group 1
- Aerospace Mechanic 3 (Flyer +2)
- Auto Mechanic 2 (Bike +2)
- Demolitions 3 (IEDs +2)
- First Aid 2 (Combat Wounds +2)
- Forgery 5 (Papers +2)
- Locksmith 4
Knowledge Skills[edit]
- Cold Trade 5
- Imperial Bureaucracy 4
- Imperial Trade Law 5 (Loopholes +2)
- Xenos Lore 4 (Xenotech +2)
- Smuggling Routes 4
- Pirate Havens 4
- Gangland Combat Tactics 5
- Minor Xenos Tongue 1
- Minor Xenos Tongue 1
- Ork 2
- Eldar 2
- Kroot 3
- Hivespeak 5
- Low Gothic Native
- Splinter pistol
- BQ bodyglove
- Monoknives
- Powerblade
- Heavy bike with fore-mounted stormbolter
- Stash of White Void and lho-sticks
- Nerve induction tines (implant)
- Refractor field
- GQ Vehicle Interface Circuitry (implant)
Additional Info[edit]
The woman now known as Lady Avarice was once simply called Trix, born to an underhive gang boss on a benighted backwater of a planet. After taking over her father's gang at the ripe age of 14, she went on to insinuate herself into the Cold Trade and the worst, most dangerous edge of chartist smuggling. Over the course of several decades, Avarice fought and clawed her way up through the Eventide Syndicate, earning a reputation as a vicious and ruthless criminal willing to do whatever she has to do to succeed. By the time Cecile decided to take a less active leadership role in the Syndicate, Avarice was the most qualified candidate to pick up the burden of overseeing the thousand unpleasantries that make up the day-to-day grind of her criminal empire.
As for her name, Avarice acquired her title as a bribe from the governor of an utterly corrupt planet, and though she is anything but a lady it amuses her to keep the honorific in her official title. In less formal situations, her underlings and associates sometimes call her the Red Widow; Avarice has been married three times, but each union ended prematurely and under suspicious circumstances. Her reputation is dark, littered with the corpses of hundreds who thought to cross her- a thought that keeps her quite warm at night.
Avarice is a striking woman in the latter years of middle age, still attractive despite her decades' worth of scars and the toll hard living has taken on her. Partly out of style and partly out of old habit, Avarice's most distinctive feature is the fact that she always dresses in red from head to toe. She typically favors a high-quality bodyglove, but she has been known to wear anything from the skimpy clothes of an underhive hooker to the most elegant ballgown money can buy. Avarice's eyes are a pure, blind white from years of White Void abuse, but they remain sharp and cruel as ever.
Personality & Skills[edit]
Despite her sinister reputation, Avarice is perhaps surprisingly pleasant company. Though her manners are clearly tarnished by her ignoble upbringing, she is always calm, cool, and blissfully happy, a small smile always gracing her lips. She is ruthless in business dealings, both legal and less so, and respectful to her superiors without a hint of obsequiousness. Avarice is always willing to do the dirty work no one else wants to touch- be it disposing of bodies or taking her mistress' dresses to the cleaners, there is almost nothing that Ava considers beneath her. Nonetheless, she is very confident in her abilities and always performs her best when challenged.
Avarice's greatest talents have always fallen outside the law; she is a very competent forger, shady bureaucrat, hired gun, and smuggler. She is particularly good at leading and/or interrogating criminal scum, and she has significant talent as a pilot of any craft that could conceivably be used as a getaway vehicle.