The World Tree/Enweg

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Enweg is the lesser god of knowledge within the World Tree campaign setting.


According to ancient texts, Enweg was created after the world was created and Adriel was punished for her gift. Adriel, Penur, and Gielel, created Enweg in order for magic, combat, and the world to be studied and taught while they tended to the growing population of humanoids. Enweg began to write down her knowledge and power into his scroll and shared the knowledge with Barrundin and Law to give to the sentient races of the Material Plane. Enweg is currently alongside Nimrielye, forever writing the history of the gods and Material Plane, the new magics Adriel created, and the events of the past by using Nimrielye's Pensive of Days Past, somewhere within the Astral Sea. Nazuma's Rakshasa, Vuralum is said to know of its location, twisting Enweg's knowledge to cause confusion and doubt within his knowledge to the sentient races.


Listed below is the current structure in society of worshipers of Enweg

  • Worship: group prayer
  • Holidays: Enweg is celebrated in larger magic communities on the eve of Midsummer, where magic is celebrated, exchanged, and performed.
  • Event: A two day festival with masters of magic mentor and celebrate stories.
  • Members: Any who use magic
  • Divine Interaction: Enweg only intervenes in the Material Plane if a being has counselled with Adriel, Penur, and Gielel and recieved their blessings.