The trip not taken.
"Mom! I am packed an ready to go! "
Mom comes aroundnthe corner with a face that speaks volumes. She sighs and starts
"Birgi, sweetie...."
I drop my bag and look at her
"Yeah you can't come, work called it is an emergency which only you can solve. You are very sorry but you have your duties."
Mom looks at me with a look i recognize.
I hold up my hand in a disarming way.
"I know i am sorry, look mom it's okey, do you mind if i still go? Really lookimg forward to it. I am a freaking adult and i've never been over there. Even the kids i train have."
Mom laughs, she doesn't do that often, but she should she has a beautiful laugh a warm laugh. Though her angry look could chill you to the bone. Those icy blue eyes of hers.
"Go Birgi, i've seen it you should be able to as well. I'll ride with you till the crossing."
We move our bikes outside and ride out. The fun thing in our position is, we are of the guards, we have our own drivinglane where we can go faster without bothering the other road users. At the crossing mom steers to the left to the HQ and training center. I go straight ahead to the border of the city.
I got the clearance to go out of the city, it is a standard procedure you get stopped your ID implant is checked, the tracer is activated. Which is also standard when going out in the wild in case of accidental death.
I make a little small talk with the guardsmen at the border.
"Not on duty today, sir?"
I look at them with my visor up so they can see my sarcastic look
"No, obviously else i wouldn't be here... i am not the type for surprise inspections. Just going out for a few days."
They look at eachother and then back at me it is clear they are concidering if they should say something. Then Stengu speaks up he usually didn't mind saying the hard or painful things.
"So you haven't heard yet of the fight amongst the trainee classes?"
I gesture Stengu to stop talking.
"I have my days off for the first time i joined the corporation. So i am going. My shifts are covered and unless a war breaks out." I say scoffing.
They shrug and open the gates.
I drive through, i've been outside city border plenty of times. We actually do a part of the training outside, the young ones should learn to respect nature.
But never further then the training grounds.
Today i am going! Finally for the first time in my life i am going to see the ocean.
The drive is calm, relaxing i am an hour out of the training area, then i feel the connection being made to my comms. They usually have to add some extra power to it to make it reach far enough with a clear signal.
You can feel that.
"Sergeant Major Kurz, come in."
Well shit, guess it is serious then.
"Kurz here, reading you clear."
I wait for the message. It is my freaking days off.
"Classes Alpha five to 8 and Delta 4 and 6 decided to fight it out. You are needed back."
I curse out loud for a good whole minute.
"Come again Sergeant Major Kurz."
I know i have to go back. I can't just leave them hanging, even if i said it jokingly to my mother, duty is important. And those kids need me.
I sigh, suck air through my teeth and turn my bike.
"Sergeant Major Kurz, heading back eta 70 min. Detain in quarters leave the ass chewing to me. They will be sorry to ruin my days off.
"Affirmative, HQ out."
Taking then fastest route back at top speed
I know i can make it faster then the time i gave. But i need to make a plan. Not many trainers can work with the younger classes but these are troubled youths. Apparently i have a thing to work with them. We have an understanding. Though they also know very well not to cross me.
Guess I should be planning a field training again.
Looking at the sky i smile, storm season is upon us. Perfect survival training it is.