Thebe is an NPC from the Wealth Of The World. She's the Mad Scientist's ( Echelaos )
Beautiful Daughter.
Thebe is an relatively low level Expert -- higher ability scores include Intellegence, wisdom, and charisma. She's low in Dex and Strenght.
Yes, she's enderingly clumsy.
Did we mention she's rich?
Sex: Female
Class: Expert four
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Green
Skin: Freckled
Age: 18 -- an old maid whom her father is afraid of losing
Height: Five five
Weight: 102
Distinct Features:
Wears: Wool dresses with a silk scarf
Carries: dagger, basket of herbs and medical supplies, a few coins.
Loves: Echelaos, at least one of the cutier PCs.
Hates: Black Baldwin
Has: A good head on her shoulders
Wants: A handsome prince
Fears: An ugly old husband
RobertEdwards 10:18, 6 September 2006 (PDT)