Three Kingdoms\Weapons

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Mastery Levels[edit]

There are 5 levels of weapon mastery: Basic (BS), Skilled (SK), Expert (EX), Master (MS), Grandmaster (GM).

Higher levels of weapon mastery confer additional combat options as well as increased AC, damage and attack throws. The bonus to attack throws is uniform: +1 per mastery level above Basic. All other improvements are shown on the weapon tables below.

Combat Options[edit]

Any weapon may be used to perform any combat option with the exception of ranged and thrown. If the option is not listed on the weapon table however the attack throw is at -4.

  • Charge: When making a charge attack while mounted this weapon deals double its rolled damage.
  • Crit: All weapons score a critical hit (and deal max damage) on a roll of natural 20. Weapons with this option also score crits on other natural rolls so long as those rolls would hit.
  • Deflect:When hit by a weapon attack you may make a Fire saving throw to negate the damage. You are -4 to this save for each size your weapon is less than the attacker's. You get an additional, cumulative -2 for each attack that hits in any round past the first.
  • Delay: Anyone hit by this weapon must make a Wood saving throw or automatically lose initiative next combat round.
  • Disarm: Instead of making a normal attack you may attempt to disarm your opponent. Roll to hit normally. The target must make a Wood saving throw. Failure means their weapon is knocked from their hand. Disarm attacks cause no damage.
  • Hook: Instead of making a normal attack you may attempt to hook your opponent. Roll to hit normally. The target must make a Wood saving throw. Failure means they are knocked prone. Hook attacks cause minimum damage.
  • Paired: Using paired weapons grants a +1 to the attack throw and +1AC. Any special modifiers (init, attack, dmg) of the weapons are cumulative. A single weapon with this trait may be held in the offhand and still provide the bonus to hit and AC.
  • Ranged: This weapon may not be used in melee combat. It has a short range of 70'+5'/mastery level above Basic. It has a medium range (-2 to attack) of twice its short range and a long range (-5 to attack) of triple its short range. A crossbow adds 20' to its short range.
  • Set: When on foot this weapon deals double damage against a charging foe if the user wins initiative on the round of the charge.
  • Stun: Anyone hit by this weapon make a Wood saving throw. Failure means they are stunned for 1 round.
  • Sunder: Instead of making a normal attack you may attempt to destroy an object held by an enemy. Roll to hit normally. The target must make a Fire saving throw. Failure means the object is struck and the PC may roll to break it using the normal rules. Attempts to use Deflect against this weapon incur a -2 penalty in addition to any other modifiers.
  • Throw: This weapon may be easily thrown. It has short range 10'+5'/mastery level above Basic. It has a medium range (-2 to attack) of twice its short range and a long range (-5 to attack) of triple its short range. A Spear adds 10' to its short range.
  • Throw R:This weapon may be thrown but not easily. It has short range 5'/mastery level above Basic. It has a medium range (-2 to attack) of twice its short range and a long range (-5 to attack) of triple its short range.

Common Weapons[edit]

Dagger Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d4 -- --
Small SK 1d6 -- Paired
Throw EX 1d8 +1AC Crit (19), Paired
MS 1d10 +1AC Crit (18), Paired
GM 1d12 +2AC Crit (17), Paired
Club Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d4 -- --
Medium SK 1d6 +1AC Deflect
Throw R EX 1d8 +2AC Deflect
MS 1d10 +3AC Deflect +1
GM 1d12 +4AC Deflect +1
Unarmed Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d2 -- --
Small SK 1d3 -- Deflect -2, Paired
EX 1d4 +1AC Deflect -1, Disarm, Paired
MS 1d6 +1AC Deflect, Disarm, Paired
GM 1d8 +2AC Deflect +1, Disarm -2, Paired

Major Weapons[edit]

Sabre Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d8 -- --
Medium SK 1d10 +1AC Deflect, Disarm
Throw R EX 1d12 +2AC Deflect, Disarm -1
MS 2d8 +2AC Deflect +1, Disarm -2
GM 2d10 +3AC Deflect +2, Disarm -3

Sword Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d6 -- --
Medium SK 1d8 +1AC Deflect, Disarm -1
Throw R EX 1d10 +2AC Deflect +1, Disarm -2
MS 1d12 +2AC Deflect +2, Disarm -3
GM 2d8 +3AC Deflect +2, Disarm -4

Staff Rank Dmg Def Special
2hand BS 1d8 -- --
Large SK 1d10 +1AC Deflect
EX 1d12 +2AC Deflect +1
MS 2d8 +3AC Deflect +2
GM 2d10 +4AC Deflect +3

Spear Rank Dmg Def Special
2hand BS 1d10 -- --
Large SK 1d12 +1AC Deflect
Charge EX 2d8 +2AC Deflect
Set MS 2d10 +2AC Deflect +1
Throw GM 2d12 +3AC Deflect +1

Military Weapons[edit]

Axe Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d8 -- --
Medium SK 1d10 +1AC Delay
Throw R EX 1d12 +2AC Delay
MS 2d8 +2AC Delay, Stun
GM 2d10 +3AC Delay, Stun
Halberd Rank Dmg Def Special
2hand BS 1d10 -- --
Large SK 1d12 +1AC Disarm, Hook
Throw R EX 2d8 +2AC Deflect, Disarm, Hook
Charge MS 2d10 +2AC Deflect, Disarm -1, Hook -1
GM 2d12 +3AC Deflect +1, Disarm -1, Hook -1
Hammer Rank Dmg Def Special
2hand BS 1d12 -- --
Large SK 2d8 +1AC Sunder
Throw R EX 2d10 +1AC Stun, Sunder
MS 2d12 +2AC Stun -1, Sunder -2
GM 2d12+2 +2AC Stun -2, Sunder -2
Horsebow Rank Dmg Def Special
2hand BS 1d6 -- --
Medium SK 1d8 -- Delay
Ranged EX 1d10 +1AC Delay
MS 1d12 +1AC Delay
GM 2d8 +2AC Delay, Stun +1

Unusual Weapons[edit]

Brush Rank Dmg Def Special
1hand BS 1d3 --
Small SK 1d4 +1AC Paired
Throw EX 1d6 +1AC Delay, Paired
MS 1d8 +2AC Delay, Paired
GM 1d10 +3AC Crit (19), Delay, Paired