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- Class:Ranger
- Race:Thri-Kreen
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Level: 3
- Current XP:4,501
- XP needed for next level:
- Background Blurb: Thrix is a young Thri-Kreen (6) whose pack was slaughtered by Gith raiders when he was out alone in the wilderness as part of his initiation as a hunter of the pack. He vowed to hunt the Gith raiders, but was ambushed by Slavers.
- Strength: 17
- Dexterity: 15
- Constitution: 14
- Intelligence: 9
- Wisdom: 19
- Charisma: 14
- Racial Abilities
- 1 Attk: Claw/Claw/Claw/Claw/Bite 1d4/1d4+1
- 2 Jump: 20' high or 50' forward
- 3 Racial Enemy: Gith -4 reaction +4 to hit
Combat Block
- HP:30
- AC:4
- THAC0:
- Initiative:
- Movement Rate:
- Saving Throws
- Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic:
- Rod, Staff, or Wand:
- Petrification or Polymorph:
- Breath Weapon:
- Spell:
- Weapon Proficiencies: Gythya, Long Bow, Longsword, Club, Hand axe, Spear
- Primary Weapon:
- Size
- Hit Roll Adjustment:
- Damage: S-M/L [Damage Type]
- Speed Factor:
- Range:
- Secondary Weapon
- Size
- Hit Roll Adjustment:
- Damage: S-M/L [Damage Type]
- Speed Factor:
- Range:
- Nonweapon Proficiencies
- Common
- Tracking: 20
- Hunting 18
- Direction Sense 20
- Fire-building 18
- Tumbling 15 +2 to hit unarmed -4 AC on full defence with init
- Languages:Thri_kreen, Common
- Literacy: None
- Psi Power:
- Wild Talent: Animal Affinity (:Wolf)
- Power Score: 10 [Con-4]
- Power Points: 39
- Spells Known:
- Level 1:
- Level 2:
- Level 3:
- Level 4:
- Level 5:
- Spells Memorized:
Equipment, etc.
- Gems, Jewelry, & Art Objects:
- Coinage:
- Gear:
- Rations & Water:
- Weapons & Armor
- Shield:
- Armor:
- Weapons:
- Beasts & Mounts:
- Magical Items:
- Spellbooks & other special items: