Thunderball PL11
Emily Barons is the only member of the Wrecking Crew without a criminal past prior to joining the crew. She is Elias’ high school sweetheart, who became partially lobotomized in a tragic drunk driving incident shortly after graduation. Elias never gave up hope on curing her and with his mystically enhanced was actually able to do so, outfitting her with a sophisticated cybernetic neural implant. The two have renewed their relationship and next to Elias, Emily is the most dangerous member of the crew. As Thunderball, Emily wields two enormous wrecking balls like flails with super-human accuracy and to devastating effect.
Thunderball: (PL 11)
Init +8 ; Defense 18 (14 Flat Footed); Spd 30ft; Atk +11 melee (+13S Wrecking Balls), +8 ranged (varies); SV Dmg +4 [Protection +6], Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; VP: 6; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Balance +9, Bluff +11, Drive +5, Listen +7, Knowledge (Trivia) +8, Jump +7, Science (Psychology) +8, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7, Taunt +11 Feats: All-Out-Attack, Attractive, Dodge, Heroic Surge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Talented (Bluff, Taunt), Toughness
Powers/Cybernetic Equipment:
- Cyber-Brain - Super-Intelligence +5 [Extras: Weapon Link (Flaws: Wrecking Balls Only); Features: Neural Computer; Flaws: Savant, Upkeep; Source: Cyber-Tech; Cost: 2pp; Total: 11pp],
- Super-Strength + 6 [Extras: Protection; Source: Mystical; Cost: 6pp; Total: 36pp],
- Wrecking Balls – Weapon +5 [Extras: Cyber Link, Paired; Features: Reach x3; Flaws: Awkward Balance; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 2pp; Total: 13]