Tianxia Blood Silk & Jade:Hua the Soaring Eagle
Hua the Soaring Eagle[edit]
Jianghu Rank: 1
Refresh: 2
High Concept: Daughter of the White Widows
Trouble: Too Pretty for Her Own Good
Phase One: As Good as Any Man (And Better Than Most)
Phase Two: At Home in the Woods
Phase Three: Part-Time Sifu
Great (+4) Fight
Good (+3) Chi, Provoke
Fair (+2) Athletics, Notice, Physique
Average (+1) Empathy, Lore, Stealth, Will
Physical O O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Kung Fu:[edit]
Hidden Phoenix
Form Aspect: Few can match the Hidden Phoenix stylist for fluid defense and opportunistic attacks. Moving easily throughout any terrain, they use constant motion and evasion to keep opponents off-balance. Kicks, sweeps, nerve strikes, and other attacks that keep foes at a distance and disadvantaged are favored. What they lack in raw power, Hidden Phoenix practitioners make up for in grace and technique.
Phoenix Calls to Heaven: You may use Chi instead of Physique to determine extra stress boxes and consequences. This is in addition to the Armor bonus from having high Chi. If Chi and Physique are the same rating, you may instead reduce physical stress taken by 2 shifts once per session.
Phoenix Laughs at the Sun: If you succeed at an Overcome roll using Athletics or Fight with style, you may create a situation aspect with a free invocation instead of taking a boost.
Leaves Like Razors: When invoking a situation aspect or environment-based advantage in a Fight attack, you add +2 Weapon Rating to that attack
White Widow: +2 to Attack with Fight when protecting women and/or girls.
Expert Tracker: +2 to Notice when in wooded areas
Soaring Eagle Catches the Eye: +2 to Provoke when using her beauty as a distraction.