Timeline of the Caves of Chaos Tragedy & Avengence
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Month of Enuj, AC 2 (pre summer)[edit]
6. "'End of Spring", this month is still cool with the dew of winter...
CURRENT 06/30/08 & end of Session 4[edit]
- the Slaughter +5
- Into the night, as thunderstorms blackened the sky Imnar scouted the King's Road for which they needed to cross... and unusually (for the weather) he found a small caravan ... but it was not only a caravan it was a pilgrimage of acolytes, seemingly of Erathis! They were of the pink-skins, not of this realms but they held aloft the banners of Imnar's faith. He must investigate! Approaching the road and calling out, at first the caravan guard answered that the high priest would not be able to serve sermon... "move along"... But Imnar would not take no for the answer, and after leaving tithing he watched carefully as Minsore covered him from the wood - leary of this coincidence... And soon our heroes would be surrounded by the hate of Orcus yet again! These "pilgrims" would throw off their robes revealing the undead - apparently on some sort of mission to the Shadowfell in the north... Not ready for the battle, the minions of Orcus fell to the warrior ways of our heroes as the vampiric priest was pushed back into its coffin inside the caravan cart.
- the Slaughter +4
- Once beyond the Chaotic temple-hall entryway, our heroes took their escape. Tunnels that Minsore had moved through at the behest of his human contact Ratzo, offered this "back door" to the Caves of Chaos. But Sotlag was gone... Imnar quipped that it was the chaotic wand he had used (retrieved from the temple prior) that took his mind, though the truth was unknown. All that was known is the hobgoblin was gone for the moment... Some half-day journey across/beneath the surface our hero's found the sanctuary of "Bargle's Caverns" (aka. the Caves of the Unknown) when they came on a massive iron planked portculis... Slipping between the bars the goblin toyed with the keys found from the Chaos Temple and sprung the lock - with no traps, to his surprise!
While Minsore knew the layout of the cave entrance he hadnot encountered any activity when Ratzo led him through prior... this time would be different. The crack of bone on stone was the first indication of life within these more natural tunnels. Advancing toward the exit the duo found themselves in a "game" of SKULL-SKULL as they learned that more than a handful of Kobolds had apparently escaped the Slaughter at the Caves of Chaos! Their triumph over these dragonoid minions would be complete with the aid of another refugee of the Caves - as Ugruk, bugbear cleric aided in fending off the Kobolds and their drake pets. Chasing the Kobold rat-herder, Imnar slowed the group as he poured over the cavern walls looking for hidden passages for which the little leader might have used to escape - and a portal he would find! As an emmence shadow loomed out of the cavern room behind the hidden portal Ugruk slung his ancestral bone inward! The thump of bone on stone cracked but the magical weapon would not return! Only the crisp biting snaked tongue of five voices came from within - our heroes had stumbled on a hidden shrine to Tiamat!!- Concealed and shielded behind much, difficult to spot.
I am like bug and sickness; I am contagious not always wanted,
Though I am small, they fear me greatly, for I might leave them haunted.
At times I am tough to keep, my master forced to let me free,
Then I rupture and soar around and they converse regarding me.
I may be friend or foe, servant or teacher,
I am like a bird; I want to be free creature.
What am I? Answer this and find your wealth in the realm doubled. Answer poorly and find all gone...
- Concealed and shielded behind much, difficult to spot.
- The answer came quickly as Imnar stepped forward holding his holy symbol above speaking "Secret", it is a secret... Ugruk would be the first to find the boon of this riddle answer as he and Imnar grew heavy when each of their items duplicated themselves! Sadly Minsore either didnot believe in the answer or was outside the magic's power... a power they guessed to come from the god's plane itself!!
After the Shrine closed the squeaks of rats rang louder, and soon Imnar found himself choosing from the Rat-Herder's prize specimens... this dire rat was a baby still but it would make a fine mount some day! - Leaving the caverns seemed easy as Minsore walked across the entryway and Ugruk rushed back toward the Caves of Chaos, interested in bringing reinforcements back to our heroes... But it would not be so easy for Imnar, his dedication to his god would be the blight that slowed his advancement! This entryway's statue room showed a massive idol that seemed to be of ancient reference to Orcus, but it was flanked on four sides and from above by the heads of Tiamat! And the heads and statue of Orcus did not want Imnar to leave alive!! But with goblin-grace the little paladin leapt through the challenges and soon joined his gnoll friend outside.
- Unsure of their next path and now under the light of the sun, the duo moved southward... They guessed that contour lines on one of the Chaos maps of the Realm might promise sanctuary - so south they would go, just beyond the great river to the jutting mountain east of the swamps. By midday the group paused for rest in the mouth of one of the great dragon ruins of the ancient empires. This was their first time for rest and reflection, but it would be interrupted soon as the natural path had other walkers as a massive meaty hand appeared and leapt down the path with its back to our heroes. With three orcs in toe, this brute sang a giant tune on his way to take advantage of the Slaughters at the Caves of Chaos... As his head swung to punish the orcs for not singing along,
- "Big one I, One big eye. One-eye see, Two-eye die!"'
- the goblin and gnoll saw the nature of this monster - a CYCLOPS... obviously looking to recruit minions on his journey southward!! The orcs were of the different warring tribes - two from the cowardly but many "Bad Sun" orcs and the other of the pig-faced tribe... and she spied our heroes! Imnar, glancing to Minsore rallied and rushed the ankles of the giant while calling out to the orcs to aid in their rescue... soon the orcs were free, one dead by the pig-face for having ran as a coward, another dead when squashed by the cyclops! But a sure-shot from Minsore's bow fell the beast and soon the duo would be three again!
After talk over the camp site, and much discussion of why goblins are lesser races, the trio determined that it would be best to continue together for revenge. This pig-faced orc, Puugor Giant-tamer, would be a good addition for now...
- Once beyond the Chaotic temple-hall entryway, our heroes took their escape. Tunnels that Minsore had moved through at the behest of his human contact Ratzo, offered this "back door" to the Caves of Chaos. But Sotlag was gone... Imnar quipped that it was the chaotic wand he had used (retrieved from the temple prior) that took his mind, though the truth was unknown. All that was known is the hobgoblin was gone for the moment... Some half-day journey across/beneath the surface our hero's found the sanctuary of "Bargle's Caverns" (aka. the Caves of the Unknown) when they came on a massive iron planked portculis... Slipping between the bars the goblin toyed with the keys found from the Chaos Temple and sprung the lock - with no traps, to his surprise!
- the Slaughter +3
- From the stairwell descending into the Chaotic Torture Chamber Sister Jadescale beckoned our heroes to move as the chanting of zombified voices echoed evermore down the temple... But within the iron maiden device a muffled voice moaned! Soon Sotlag a Hobgoblin Warlock would join the monsterous group, after being given freedom by the goblin and gnoll. Marching back into the temple proper, Imnar spied an odd occurance... the floors of the temple hallway seemed to move up ahead - this would be clear when he watched as chaotic zombie acolytes rose from their holding graves beneath the stone tiles, shuffling upward toward the temple opening from calls of the alarm bells of their masters. Reacting to this horror, Imnar sent his magical dagger flying - severing the unlife of one of the beasts!... but they did not react. Only one even turned a head - slowly reminding our heroes that "ORCUUUUS IIIIIIISS" pointing at them and glancing with glowing eyes back to his grave.
The skitter of bone on tile was the first indication of the sentry beasts that would "take care" of this minor menace for the Orcus followers. A pack of gravehounds rounded the corner leaping to attack as arrows from Minsore and eldritch flame bolts from Sotlag to Imnar's flank met the craven dogs! In one of their most harrowing encounters yet our heroes pulled themselves out from the skeletal dogs horrors and advanced behind the zombie horde. Rushing, perhaps uncautious in his excitement Imnar saw his life pass before his eyes in the form of a massive rusty pendulum as the trap left by the pointing zombie sliced into the goblin.
The plate trap was foiled with some quick thinking and soon the trio made their way into the upper chamber halls to see the horde arranged. Battle sounds echoed in as they knew the Ironshod Company had arrived at the Chaos Temple of Orcus! This battle would be the perfect distraction to present our hero's escape! Donning the hoods and robes of Orcus, the trio walked slowly among the horde without being molested! And on the far side in a last distraction effort - Imnar tossed a sunrod into the rafters of the temple hall - revealing Ironshod's Tiefling running above back into the temple, perhaps to flank - more likely to look for assassination opportunities!
- From the stairwell descending into the Chaotic Torture Chamber Sister Jadescale beckoned our heroes to move as the chanting of zombified voices echoed evermore down the temple... But within the iron maiden device a muffled voice moaned! Soon Sotlag a Hobgoblin Warlock would join the monsterous group, after being given freedom by the goblin and gnoll. Marching back into the temple proper, Imnar spied an odd occurance... the floors of the temple hallway seemed to move up ahead - this would be clear when he watched as chaotic zombie acolytes rose from their holding graves beneath the stone tiles, shuffling upward toward the temple opening from calls of the alarm bells of their masters. Reacting to this horror, Imnar sent his magical dagger flying - severing the unlife of one of the beasts!... but they did not react. Only one even turned a head - slowly reminding our heroes that "ORCUUUUS IIIIIIISS" pointing at them and glancing with glowing eyes back to his grave.
- the Slaughter +2
- Only a handful survived the slaughter, 36 hours ago their were 771 "monsters" within the Caves of Chaos - one Hobgoblin survived, yet he may not last long if he does not find allies in the aftermath... The warlock, Sotlag, now ventures into the Chaos Temple looking for a way out...
- Meanwhile in those same caverns beyond...
- After negotiating a deal with "Goy'az" a medusa princess, the last remaining Goblin and Gnoll in the realm aid and revive the only survivor of the stone-gaze torture - a Cleric of Tiamat, Sister Kava Jadescale... With the echo chants "ORCUS IS!! ORCUS IS!!" of the undead horde of the Chaos Cults of the Demon Prince somewhere in the temples beyond, the martyrs arm and equip the Dragonborn priestess and set forth back into the temple halls. The Elf-Killer catches the scent of something odd on the wind... the smell of dragon-kin, similar to Jadescale but different. The trio, with Imnar in the lead, make their way to be surprised by Goy'az being battered about by the protector of one who they would learn had brought the Spawn of the Emerald Mountain (a dragon egg) into the Choas Temples. Defeating the protector and interrogating the magic-user (who may or may not be the infamous Bargel) the goblin and gnoll were attacked by a slim monster hiding beneath the floors of the torture facility! Hacking to bits before it slinked away the two now seek only to escape this ... CHAOS.
- Only a handful survived the slaughter, 36 hours ago their were 771 "monsters" within the Caves of Chaos - one Hobgoblin survived, yet he may not last long if he does not find allies in the aftermath... The warlock, Sotlag, now ventures into the Chaos Temple looking for a way out...
- the Slaughter +1.5
- Following a harrowing scene amid the Caves of Chaos, the survivors of the slaughter have escaped into the caverns beyond their homes. But these are less "cavern" and more temple-like. The halls they now lurk are shrines built into the rocks of the ravine in reverence of the Demon Prince Orcus! Desperate and alone Imnar and Minsore make there way through the bowels of Chaos. Having just escaped the clutches of "Goy'az" a medusa princess, the last remaining Goblin and Gnoll in the realm aid and revive the only survivor of the stone-gaze torture - a Cleric of Tiamat, Sister Kava Jadescale... With the echo chants "ORCUS IS!! ORCUS IS!!" of the undead horde of the Chaos Cults of the Demon Prince somewhere in the temples beyond, the martyrs rush back to the Crypts of Orcus' Anti-Paladins to hopefully find equipment for the Dragonborn priestess...
- the Slaughter +1
- Only a handful of survivors are to become martyrs to their races, having escaped the axes, daggers and boots of the Ironshod Company and the retainers from the Keep on the Borderland.
- the Slaughter
- On this day their were dozens of denizens among the Caves of Chaos caverns. The Ironshod Company came this day and began the Slaughter without mercy.
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