Tlatlu hiDzai

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Hrugash Tlatlu hiDzai of the Dark Moon clan is commandant of the Temple of Ksarul, Tumissa administration. He is a very important man in the temple administration and does not care who knows it. He is of a low lineage of the noble Dark Moon clan and has raised himself to a position of considerable wealth and importance by hard work, merit and the usual Ksarulite skulduggery. He is a dedicated member of the Refulgent Blue Curtain society and believes that knowledge should be hoarded by the temple as securely as its wealth (not there is a lot of that). His subordinates suspect he is a member of the Inner Sphere, or at least has a spy network of his own, as he seems to know absolutely everything going on within the temple worth knowing. Has close relations with the city administration as many of them are Ksarul worshippers.