ToG Necessary Evil-Star City
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Tokyo, London, Moscow and most every other major city in the world were rubbed off the map by the V'sori. Star City was left curiously untouched by the aliens' weapons of mass destruction. Large numbers of K'tharen and drones operate in the city, however, and seem to take the place of weaponry that might cause too much collateral damage.
This amazing island was created some time ago by a being of godlike power called The Outsider. The United States annexed Star Island after the Outsider was defeated and began a very expensive and high-profile scientific study of the island and its amazing ability to spawn superhumans. Two years of study at the taxpayers expense found no particularly useful results so it was sold off in parcels to the highest bidder.
Exactly why The Outsider created the island Star City now sits on, why so many super-powered beings are spawned here, and why the aliens don't blast it into oblivion is a mystery your team may unravel as they fight for its survival. For now, know that Star City is your character's home, the central location of the game, and you'd best defend it with your life. The future might depend on it.
Star City is home to around five million citizens, down from the eight million who lived here prior to the invasion. Most of the loss comes from those who took flight rather than casualties, as the aliens took special care not to overly damage the island. They did settle it in force however. A large number of citizens weren't comfortable living in such close proximity to the invaders and were allowed to flee to the mainland.
Star City lies two miles off of the coast of the eastern seaboard of the United States, about halfway between Boston and New York, and is roughly six times the size of Manhattan (180 square miles. The island Star City was built on was created in 1955 when the nearly omnipotent being known as The Outsider came to Earth. Other than the fact that Star City is home to an inordinate number of super-beings, the island seems completely normal.
Star City is in fact shaped like an eight pointed star. Four large points alternate with four smaller points surrounding the large central sections called Uptown and Downtown.
The most important human in the city is the current mayor, Jimmy Perez. The V'sori Warlord appointed Perez mayor about a year ago, and he has since surrounded himself with a number of like-minded cronies. Perez' primary goal is self-preservation, but his secondary objective is rooting out any resistance cells in Star City. He has proven himself an implacable foe of the resistance, and uses whatever resources given him by his alien masters to hunt down any insurgents. He has used his freedom and authority to form his own Star City Special Forces (or "Cape-Killers") and has even been allowed to arm his officers with a limited number of high-powered V'sori weapons.