Lord Gryphon is an ancient being, an immortal from an alternate dimension of dragons and magic. Physically he resembles a humanoid combination of lion and eagle, with an avian head and wings, large talons on his hands, and the long tail and pawed feet of a great cat. His true nature is unknown: it has been speculated that he is the last survivor of a race of lionbirds, some sort of unique living construct, a mortal warped by magic, or something stranger. If the Gryphon himself knows he’s not telling, and questions on the subject are met with a cold stare.
The Gryphon was brought to this reality over four hundred years ago, the result of a powerful magical ritual, and here he has remained. A warlord in his home dimension, he has adapted well to Earth and has acquired a reputation as a warrior, soldier, and dangerous enemy. He is an excellent strategist, a charismatic combat leader, and one of the most dangerous melee fighters alive, and has participated in most of the major conflicts of the last 400 years. A mercenary, the Gryphon fights for whoever pays him without concern for morals or ethics; however, he is an honorable creature and he has some standards.
Lord Gryphon He is a warrior, not a butcher, and will not stand for the wanton slaughter of innocents. He is ruthless in pursuit of his goals, but not given to pointless cruelty; he respects courage and treats his loyal followers well. He keeps his word and honors his alliances, and insists that those who would work with him to do the same; he expects respect and courtesy. If his trust is violated he will visit bloody vengeance on the other party.
He lacks the colossal ego common to some supervillains; he is prideful but fully willing to admit when he is bested and bargain or retreat to fight another day. Although classed as a villain more often than not, he has had occasional short-term alliances with the world's heroes against truly monstrous threats, as they knew he could be trusted to keep his word.
When the Fins came, the Gryphon fought them as fiercely as any of the heroes, for he bows to neither kings nor bandits. When the V’sori came to “save” the Earth, the Gryphon remained hidden, recuperating from his fights and suspicious of these newcomers. And when the world’s greatest heroes were slaughtered like lambs, the Gryphon grew enraged. He counted some of them worthy enemies, and indeed one or two might have been friends. Even the worst of them did not deserve to die like this, cut down by treachery.
The V’sori have revealed themselves as honorless vermin. They have slain the shining heroes who would have stood against them. Now, after a thousand years of warfare, the Gryphon will show them a real fight.