ToG Necessary Evil - Power Prince
Power Prince (PL10)[edit]
STR 12 STA 10 AGL 3 DEX 0 FGT 5 INT 0 AWE 2 PRE 0
The Fastest: Array (19 points)
- Flight 9 (1,000 MPH) • 18 points
- Quickness 9, Speed 9 (1,000 MPH) • 1 point
The "Lethalest": Ranged Damage 8, Multiattack • 24 points
The "Perceptivest": Senses 2 (Infravision, Ultrahearing) • 2 points
The Scariest: Feature 1 (can use Strength for Intimidation) • 1 point
The Toughest: Protection 2; Immunity 10 (Life Support) • 12 points
Attractive, Fearless, Improved Critical (Unarmed 4), Improved Initiative
Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+8), Intimidation 1 (+13), Ranged Combat: Incineroptics 10 (+10)
Initiative +7
Unarmed +8 Close, Damage 12, Crit. 16-20
Incineroptics +10 Ranged, Damage 8, Multiattack
Dodge 8
Parry 8
Toughness 12
Fortitude 10
Will 8
Power Points[edit]
Abilities 64 + Powers 58 + Advantages 7+ Skills 7 + Defenses 14 = 150
Overconfidence: Power Prince believes he's more powerful and competent than he actually is.
Superiority Complex: Power Prince is the pinnacle of humanity – normies are ants, barely worth of his attention.
Raised by a cult to be their weapon, PP had other ideas – if they, the cultists, were better than the "normies", then PP, who was way better than his fellow cultmates, should not have to follow their orders (high praise for the cult's brainwashing, which worked too well on him).
PP destroyed the cult, adopted the moniker Power Prince and initiated a life of superpowered excess. However, his opinion of his own capabilities was far too generous, as he found out in his successive defeats at the hands of superheroes. The cognitive dissonance resulting form this led to conclude he was doing something wrong, since no "normie", superpowered or not, could have bested him. So he applied himself with ever greater intensity to his world-conquering pursuits.
PP took the V'sori invasion as a personal affront. Who did these aliens think they were, trying to steal PP's rightful kingdom? They would pay!