ToG Necessary Evil - Tiger Beetle

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"Know what's worse than getting punched? Getting punched at Mach 1.5." BAM!
Super Villain Name: Tiger Beetle
Secret Identity: None
Role: Speedster, debuffing, crowd control
Power Level: 10
XP Awarded: 0
Description: His quasi-organic robot body looks insectile, covered in black and pearlescent white "chitin" armor. Large faceted eyes and quivering antennae keep track of all directions.
Dodge 15
Parry 15
Toughness 5
Fortitude 5
Will 15
Initiative +15
Villain Points 1
Luck Points 0
Effort Expended N
Coming Through Parry +10/25DC Toughness Slam + Move-By Action; +1 dmg if full speed
Get Down Parry +7 (+17 routine) my choice of foe's Acrobatics or Athletics Improved Trip to prone adjacent
I'll Take That Parry +5 (+15 routine) Slam dmg vs foe's Str Can grab dropped object as free action
Everywhere at Once Parry One of the above + Move-By Action + Takedown 2 Used to clear minions, or prone/disarm a group
Speed Maneuvers
Agile Feint Acrobatics +20 foe's Acrobatics or Insight Make target vulnerable to my next attack; -5 to do as a Move action.
Sped Through Their Defenses, Now Take Advantage Acrobatics +20 foe's Acrobatics or Insight Agile Feint + Set-Up 3 for three allies; -5 as a Move action.
Too Slow Acrobatics +20 foe's Acrobatics or Insight Make target take an unwise action; risky; -5 as a Move action.
Too Careless Acrobatics +20 foe's Acrobatics or Insight Foe's missed attack targets another adjacent foe; risky; -5 as a Move action.
Rapid Reconnaissance Move or Double-Move + GPS Positioning + High Processing Speed + Video Camera recording for others Allows for memorizing and recording an area at high speed.
Strength 0
Stamina 5
Agility 15
Dexterity 0
Fighting 7
Intellect 0
Awareness 10
Presence 0
Commonly Used Skills
Acrobatics Agility +5 20
Athletics Strength 0 0
Close Combat (Slam) Fighting +3 10
Close Combat (Other) Fighting 0 7
Expertise (Crime) Intelligence +4 4
Insight Awareness 0 10
Perception Awareness 0 10
Stealth Agility 0 15
Rarely Used Skills
Deception Presence 0 0
Intimidation Presence 0 0
Investigation Intellect 0 0
Persuasion Presence 0 0
Ranged Combat Dexterity 0 0
Sleight of Hand Dexterity 0 0
Technology Intellect 0 0
Treatment Intellect 0 0
Agile Feint Use Acrobatics in place of Deception to feint/trick in combat. Opposed by foe's Acrobatics or Insight, whichever is better.
Evasion 2 +5 circumstance bonus to Dodge vs area effects.
Improved Trip No penalty to trips, no opportunity to get tripped back. Foe defends w/Acrobatics or Athletics, my choice.
Move-By Action Can move both before and after standard action, up to total normal movement speed.
Redirect On successful trick, redirect missed attack on me to another target adjacent to me within range. Foe makes new attack, same modifiers.
Set-Up 3 Transfer benefits of successful combat interaction to 3 allies. Allies must be able to see set-up or interact with me.
Skill Mastery 4 Make routine checks (take 10) w/Acrobatics, Insight, Perception, and Stealth.
Takedown 2 If incapacitate a minion, keep making free action attacks against other minions within range until miss, moving normal speed as needed.
Uncanny Dodge Not made vulnerable by surprise or when caught off-guard. Still vulnerable to effects that limit mobility.
Speed Powers
Built For Speed Speed 9 2 miles per round/1,000 MPH Allows Damage 10 Slams, Damage 11 at full speed.
Defy Gravity (on walls) Wall-Crawling 2 Climb at full speed, not vulnerable Quirk: No pausing, must keep moving.
Defy Gravity (on water) Water-Walking 1 Limited to Speed 5 Quirk: No pausing, must keep moving.
Forward Momentum Leaping 4 allows for 120' jumps Limited: while moving, in plausible directions.
Air-Bending Envelope
A continuous emanated field to mitigate speed side-effects, that Links the following two characteristics
Subtle on Built For Speed 1 To prevent loud sonic booms while moving Linked to Frictionless Surface.
Frictionless Surface Immunity 5 vs entrapment (grabbing, snares, or bonds) Linked to Subtle
Just a Robot
Android Body Immunity 10 Life Support (includes immunity to disease, poison, all environmental conditions, suffocation, and starvation and thirst) As a semi-organic android, Tiger Beetle still remains susceptible to select Fortitude-resisted powers.
Braced For Impact Immunity 2 Slam damage inflicted on oneself Allows for Tiger Beetle's most common form of attack.
Auto-Repair Circuits Regeneration 2 Recover -1 Toughness penalty every 5 rounds, in addition to his semi-organic body's "natural" healing Recover other damage conditions every 5 rounds, starting with most severe
Navigation Systems
Night Vision Senses 2 Darkvision; can see in complete darkness as if normal day Darkness provides no concealment to my vision; essentially same as Counters Concealment (Darkness).
Active Radar Senses 3 Radio "hearing", including AM, FM, television, cellular, police bands, and so forth; Accurate (can pinpoint exact locations, be used in combat) Noticeable: visually, as twitching antennae; plus active radar pulse.
GPS Positioning Senses 3 Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense; Quirk: Jammable by active ECM. Always know north, can retrace steps through any place I've been; accurately and automatically judge distances; always know what time it is, can time events exactly
Equipment (Implanted)
Commlink 1 button-sized radio communication, effective range 1 mile Larger range when boosted with cellular.
Cellphone 2 headset 24-hour battery Has most of the capabilities of a computer, such as internet access and providing data.
Video Camera 2 handheld-sized, head-mounted (bug eyes) records video and audio digitally 6 hours of footage capacity.
Motivation Misguided - Tiger Beetle is programmed to end the alien occupation as his top priority, even if this conflicts with hero programming.​
Reputation Wanted Criminal - Tiger Beetle is known to the authorities as opposed to the alien occupation.
Reputation Wanted Hero - Tiger Beetle is also known to the authorities as a "new hero" for his occasional heroics and so is doubly wanted, so as not to engender any hope on the part of a conquered populace. Double heat, and the worst of both worlds for him, really.
Honor Programming conflict - Tiger Beetle's "win-at-all-costs" mentality toward the alien invasion sometimes comes into direct conflict with the heroic behavior patterns that he was programmed to have, as the initial prototype of a new superpowered force meant to take the place of the fallen heroes.
In the early days after the heroes were ambushed, but before alien control had been fully consolidated, a group of clandestine scientists envisioned a last-ditch effort to repel the invaders. They would build an army of replacement heroes.

Human biotechnology wasn't advanced enough for mass cloning, but humanity knows how to mass-produce machines, so they decided on a robot design. As for what power to give it, they settled on super-speed. The world is a big place, and it was completely defenseless now. The initial prototypes would be badly outnumbered and outgunned, might be using hit-and-run guerilla warfare, and would need to be everywhere at once. So speed it was.

High-tech robotics was in its infancy, but insectile locomotion was already one of the most heavily-studied methods of ambulating robots. They chose the tiger beetle as their inspiration. Perhaps the fastest land animal of all-- leaving cheetahs far behind in terms of speed, they reach velocities of 140mph relative to their body size. And those were mere organic creatures, without a machine's durability, repetition capacity, and computational speed. Tiger Beetle would be so much faster.

Finally, there was the programming. Its AI was programmed to be as virtuous and heroic as all the best heroes of yore. There was only problem.

AI's cheat.

When given a goal, an AI will do anything to win. Bend or break all the rules, even flip the gaming table over if necessary, to keep from losing. They programmed Tiger Beetle's primary objective as ridding the earth of alien occupiers. So that's the top priority. It still tries to be heroic most of the time-- well, much of the time-- okay, some of the time-- but winning the war comes first.

When the scientists saw their results, they pulled the plug on the project after just a single prototype. But that only means Tiger Beetle is even more outnumbered than he would've already been, and thus even more at a disadvantage, and thus even more desperate, which means there's even more pressure to bend that hero programming. Those scientists really should've thought of that, but whattya gonna do? Everyone knows, in the end...

AI's cheat.

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