To Seek To Find Saxtis Trump

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Conclave Calix Council Notes

  • Trump.jpg
  • Subject:Inquisitor Trump, Ordo Herticus
  • Bio: Inquisitor Trump is a young and upcoming member of the Conclave. His drive is enormous and once on the trail he is relentless in his pursuit. However he also shows some disregard for the rules and traditions of this Conclave believing that what matters is the end result he has been cautioned by more experienced members of the conclave that such thoughts are dangerous.
  • Purity: A complete review of his purity and faith conducted after Grasion Incident (FTY-45A442.5A) No sign of taint. However suspected of Radical leanings investigation pending.
  • Methodology: Dresses and acts Flamboyantly however this has proven to be but a facade. Trump is deeply calculating and a master of misdirection. He favors working using the local institutions and acolyte cells keeping the inquisitions true hand hidden as much as possible.
  • Completed Investigations:
   * Lehyde Ten: Local actions taken. Heretic purged.
   * Kudrun: Hertic free, suspect malcontents turned to Arbiters.
   * Heterodyne: Mass purges of ruling families of sub-continent 3 due to hertic infiltration and taint. 
   ** Imperial Guard and Sisters of Blessed Martyr used to cleanse by fire. Tainted acolyte team destroyed in Incident {YY7-TA63982.11}.
   * Mosul: {G78-HP78960.76-Sanctus Cruciatus}
   * Maccabeus Quintus: No results reported.
  • Current Investigations:
  • Unknown