Tome Robber: Star Voyages of the Zephyr - Petra
Private Name: Iseldis Tanase
Apprentice Name: Red-55
Birth name: Dhyanna Julanar
- Struggle d8
- Discern d8
- Conceal d8
Checked SFX are active.
Adventurer Scholar with a Sword d8 - short phrase in character voice
- ☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ SFX: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This: - Add your Adventure die to your dice pool when you do something ill-advised because your 'sense of adventure' made you do it
- ☐ SFX: Why'd it Have to Be Snakes? - Create a d8 Complication to add both your Struggle and Discern dice to your dice pool in a test, contest, or struggle that involves solving problems in an exotic locale
Undercover Reformist Red Wizard d8 - short phrase in character voice
- ☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX: Comply, or Know Our Wrath - Spend a Plot Point and create a d8 Red Wizard-related Complication to force an Extra or Minor GMC to do your bidding on the strength of the Red Wizard reputation
- ☐ SFX: I Know What You Did - Spend a Plot Point to have kompromat on a fellow Red Wizard or one of their agents
Secretly a Romantic d8 - short phrase in character voice
- ☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX: They Seem Nice - Gain 1 Plot Point when putting your trust in someone else lands you in a bad situation
- ☐ SFX: Seeing the Best in Others - Spend a Plot Point to step up or double your Compassion value in your pool for the duration of a test, contest, or challenge when you're helping someone who others discount
- Adventure d10 - "Ruins contain answers to my questions, though they may not be the answers I want."
- Ambition d8
- Love/Compassion d8
- Duty d6
- Knowledge d6
- Self-Preservation d4
- Red Wizards d10
- Lord's Alliance d8
- The Zhentarim (negative) d8
added to Dice Pool Result
- Safiya d8 (Headmistress of the Academy of Shapers and Binders) - "I've tied myself to someone powerful and supportive of my cause; but am I a friend or an asset?"
- Eligos d8 [negative] (a rival transmutation student who has never let the competition go) - Trait statement
- Eminent Larnobov d6 (saved from a rogue beholder) - Trait statement
- Eminent Drocia d6 (immediate supervisor, parcels out missions and locations identified by his analysts) - Trait statement
- Crew 2d6
- Magic Items 1d6
Species: Human
- Resilient Against the Odds
- Activation: When you're up against the wall facing defeat, spend a PP
- Effect: Turn a Complication into an Asset for two actions
Background: Orchard Farmer
- Salt of the Earth
- Activation: When demonstrating understanding and empathy for manual laborers
- Effect: Double the Value die in the dice pool
Power Sets[edit]
You may include one power from each of the sets in your dice pool at no cost.
Wandering Swordmage
- Elemental Blade d10 (Attack Powers)
- Swordmage Warding d10 (Durability)
- Teleport d6
- ☑ SFX: Swordmage Aegis: Spend 1 PP to mark and teleport a foe or a protected charge to your side in combat or danger
- Wanderer's Experience d8 (Enhanced Intelligence)
☑ SFX: Focused - If a pool includes a Swordmage power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die one step larger
☑ SFX: Multipower - Use two or more Swordmage or Red Wizard powers in a single dice pool and step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first
Limit: Conscious Activation - If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down Swordmage. Restore Swordmage when you awake.
Red Wizard
- Force Blasts d6 (Attack Powers)
- Magic Resistance d8
- Rigorous Schooling d8 (Enhanced Intelligence)
- Transmutation d6
Complication/Asset: Red Wizard d8
☑ SFX: Area Attack: Spend a PP to add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target past the first
☑ SFX: Magical Immunity: Spend a PP to ignore complications from magic
Limit - Exhausted: Shut down any Red Wizard power to gain a PP. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.
- Duty d6: Have a successful shakedown cruise to prove this venture to Drocia