Tony Stark (Smallville)

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Duty d6 (I have things to do.) Glory d10 (I'm gonna make a difference.) Love d6 (Gotta take time to smell the roses, right?) Justice d8 (Bad guys have to be stopped.) Power d6 (Any trick up my sleeve is usable.) Truth d4 (I can lie like a rug, if necessary.)


Jessica Drew d6 (New girl is HOT, and we're more similar than others think.) Steve Rogers d6 (Good guy. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but not bad.) Carol Danvers d6 (Nice girl, if you're into cheerleaders.) Lothar Lyesmith d4 (Weird kid. Like 'cuckoo' weird.) Viktor von Doom d4 (Decent guy, I guess. Damn handy with computer programming, though.)


Gearhead d4 Wealthy d8 Genius d8 Guilty d4


Mark V Armor (Offense, Defense, Movement) d4 -Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent’s Injured or Exhausted Stress pool. -Spend a Plot Point to Perform a fantastic feat of strength -Spend a Plot Point to Destroy an inanimate object as big as a car. Spend two Plot Points for an object as big as a house. Spend three for an object as big as a skyscraper or a river.


Howard Stark 2d4 (I want my father's respect.) Rumiko Fujikawa 2d6 (On again, off again girlfriend)


Circus Maximus Custom Motors 2d4 (Science!, Resources)

=School Record:+ Age: One month shy of 16. Grade: 11