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Trade - Heroes in the Pirates RPG are probably more concerned about buried treasure or saving their country from scandal than they are making money. However, sometimes characters need a little extra cash or acquire a cargo they need to sell on. These simple rules allow the heroes to engage in trading without bogging the game down in details.

Buyers and sellers don’t get the option of haggling as a separate action. Once the die is rolled, the characters must accept the sale and purchase price, even if they make a loss on the transaction. Having a high Streetwise die and good Charisma bonus is a vital asset in matters of trade.

Buying: Purchasing cargo costs a base $500 per space. A total of 2d6+3 spaces worth of cargo (called a consignment) are available each day in any port. The buyer makes a Streetwise roll once per consignment. Each success and raise on the roll reduces the cost per space by $100 to a minimum of $100. A failure results in no price change. A roll of 1 on the Streetwise die (regardless of the result of any Wild Die) increases the price by $100. Rolling a critical failure results in a $200 increase in price per space.

Selling: Each cargo space of goods brings in a base $500 per space. Make a Streetwise roll once per consignment. Each success and raise on the roll ups the price by $100 to a maximum of $700. A failure results in no price change. A roll of 1 on the Streetwise die (regardless of Wild Die) lowers the price by $100. A critical failure results in a $200 decrease in price per space. Ports buy 2d6+3 cargo spaces per day. Goods cannot be resold at the same port from which they were purchased.

Selling Ships Finding a buyer for a captured ship requires a Streetwise roll. Success means a buyer is found who will pay 25% of the ship’s list price. A raise finds a buyer who will pay 50%. This roll may be attempted once per week per port. Subtract 25% of that total for each wound the ship has suffered that has not been repaired.