Transverse City:Main Page

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Transverse City is located in the Zauberpunkversion of GURPS Technomancer/Cyberworld, or any other technomagic setting to which it might be adapted.

"Told my little Pollyanna There's a place for you and me We'll go down to Transverse City Life is cheap, and Death is free" -Warren Zevon


Transverse City lies on the border between New Mexico and Hell, straddling the Hellstorm itself. It serves as a blend of Casablanca and Las Vegas, where people come to evade the laws of the outside world. Renegade mages, free elementals, self-willed golems and dragons on the run mingle with religious, ethnic, and sexual minorities, and rich trippers come to dabble their toes on the wild side.

A constant chill breeze blows out of the Hellstorm, tempering the blazing New Mexico sun. At night, fog and drizzle are constant in the bitter cold air. Huge silos sit near the storm, harvesting the moisture for the city's water needs.


Jornada del Muerto The New City Adobe Xanadu Casa Diablo Meatville


Initial investigations with golems and magical drones revealed that there was a permanent gate between Earth and the source of the 'demons' occasionally summoned by magical catastrophes or unscrupulous spellcasters. While some demons have claimed to be historical figures or guardians of damned souls, there is no solid evidence that this dimension is connected to any of the afterlives of various religions; nevertheless, the name stuck. Initially, all exploration of Hell was done by military teams from the base built nearby. They successfully arranged a (relatively) safe permanent passage between dimensions, which was used to protect insertion teams from the dreadful necrotic radiation of the Hellstorm itself. That didn't prevent a massive outbreak of Ambulatory Necrotic Plague emptying the base of living people in 1999. Nobody's quite certain when demons started taking the now-unguarded portal the other way, but when human and changeling refugees showed up after the Grand Slam, there were plenty of them there already. In one sense they were a bigger threat than the zombies, but most of them could be negotiated with after a fashion. Pretty soon, there were buildings, and a community of sorts.


Transverse City is mostly Very High mana, though parts of Meatville are High mana.

Demons All demons have the Disadvantages Callous [-5] and one or more of Sadism [varies], Bully [-10], and Bad Temper [-10]. They typically have two to ten limbs, of which at least one is a manipulator, and an astonishing variety of sensory organs and other appendages.